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montcer9012: Hi!

My people... Sons and Daughters of Helghan... This much... I vow: After playing games here and there, no game have impress me so bad as Killzone 2 did. Neither KZ 1 nor KZ 3, but KZ2!

Why? Because the game mix lot's of politics, economics and even theoretical concepts that you can't and won't see on many other games. Of course, some may say that COD mix those concepts too, but they are too forced into the game that makes no sense, like developers just placed all that there without taking care, because all dev money is directed to make "cool" quicktime events and players (kids) gets excited while playing it.

There's another game very close to it is Singularuty, but I don't know why devs didn't puts a little extra work on it. The whole game lacks of it. I mean, the intro game video give me a VERY HIGH expectation about it, but after 1 hour playing... I get so booooreeeddd... It was sad.

Anyway, if any of you haven't watch it, here it is:
Killzone 2 intro, Visari's Speech.
Singularuty, Intro and some gameplay minutes.

So, in your opinion, which game have the best intro? Of course you may disagree about the 2 games I have picked, however, I am sure of 1 thing: ... The history of these days will be written in blood
But: Killzone 3 has waaay better music. 'And ever we fight on' still gives me chills. The nights I spent in online combat... Search for it on YouTube, if you like.
F1ach: The last Witcher game intro was very impressive.
Same goes for the opening of the first Witcher.

I personally liked the intros of Fallout 1 and 2. But call them the best ...? Dunno...
Post edited January 26, 2015 by jdsgn
I like those mid to late 90s intros that look like they were rendered on a potato. If you ever tried to make 3D graphics yourself on a 486 PC with POV-Ray or other stone age tools, one was easily impressed by those old rendered intros.

Benmar alread mentioned Dungeon Keeper, some of my other favorites are:

Warcraft II:

Lands of Lore 2:
amok: Jazzpunk
You beat me to it! :P
I remember thinking "Okay, this game is worth the $15 for that intro alone!" when I first played Jazzpunk.

I haven't seen Thief - The Dark Project mentioned yet.
Lone3wolf: Aquanox was a pale imitation of the perfection that is "Schleichfahrt"/"Archimedean Dynasty" !!
Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.
In terms of cheesy goodness, it's hard to beat Mechcommander's into movie. [url=][/url]
P1na: I still watch the Soul reaver intro video when I'm bored. It's just awesome.
Wow, that intro create what I call hype D: !!! I did never played that game; have to get it! And yes, that's what a nice intro do; make you want more and to play the game! Hopes it does not result a disappoint.

ZFR: I liked Starcraft: Broodwars intro. Not sure though how it would be percieved by someone who hasn't played the game
Oh yeah, the old BroodWar. It is a very nice intro, a very nice indeed.

amok: Jazzpunk
Hahahaha, this one is cool.
P1na: Ah, the intro from Devil May Cry 3 ... it really gets you all pumped up to kick ass in game.
Hahahaha, this ^

Come on, share some videos, they are for free on youtube!

Lone3wolf: Aquanox was a pale imitation of the perfection that is "Schleichfahrt"/"Archimedean Dynasty" !!
That one looks nice, but does not create hype to start playing it ASAP.
P1na: I still watch the Soul reaver intro video when I'm bored. It's just awesome.
After all these years I can still recite that whole opening. I even change my voice to the "Cast him in" bit.
Tannath: * Another World - Yes, it's very old, but again it sets up the world and the mood of the game perfectly;
Ohhh the mighty Another World. It does bring me lots of memories from my chilhood; I remember the game intro sets perfect to introduce you into the history atmosphere.

You know which other game is just like that? This one:
truhlik: Did someone mentioned intro from Flashback?
Too bad UbiCrap gets the rights; I refuse to get the "new" version as I am sure it broke the original game magic ):

Here is his intro cinematic in case someone miss that game:

tinyE: Okay well you're all wrong and you all need to be ashamed of yourselves! :P

And to think, you call yourselves gamers!

There is only one!

Hmmmm, too slow. Where are the ships you need to kick out?

Emob78: Double Dragon

Bad guys punch your girlfriend in the stomach and run off with her. You emerge from a garage and proceed to kick much ass. Simple and effective.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. LOL. Very nice intro indeed!

MaGo72: I like the Eve Intro a lot:

Nice game. I think it was for free in the PS Store. Never played it due the game style. MMOG I think is called.

Bouchart: How come nobody has mentioned the best intro ever made?
jdsgn: But: Killzone 3 has waaay better music. 'And ever we fight on' still gives me chills. The nights I spent in online combat... Search for it on YouTube, if you like.

I personally liked the intros of Fallout 1 and 2. But call them the best ...? Dunno...
Yeah I remember that song. I disagree with you since that music is all romantic... On the other hand, Killzone 2 Main Menu Theme (Helghan Forever) keeps you with the intro video you have seen! So the hype goes on until you start the game and go around kicking some asses! D:

Hahaha don't take it so serious. Every person has his own opinion so no don't worry.

There's something I must admit and is Blizzard capacities to make intro movies; they are all charged with the motion they put into the game so the hype gets you focus into it!

Well no one has mention any automobile games yet; don't you like cars? I think the best intro for a car game will be for Gran Turismo 5. Why? Because it is all classy, stylish, and very sophisticated so you get the game is all about braking and taking curves. At least in a japanese way.
Here is it:
Gran Turismo 5 Intro Cinematic
On the other hand:
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 D: !! It does transmit all the hype to need more speed!
Few of my favorites:

Soul Blade

Ys: VI The Ark of Napishtim

Last Blade 2

Soul Blade and Ys VI cinematics are quite new to me, I have beat Soul Edge many times in the arcade back in the '90s but can't recall ever seeing the intro.

Syndicate Wars

Fallout 2

Resident Evil

Syndicate Wars is not only great, but may be the most nostalgic for me, it was one of the first games I've played on my new PC that I got in November 1998, very memorable on its own plus it nails the atmosphere of the game.
Fallout 2 is overall possibly the best one from my picks, has excellent style and brings a sense of mystery - what is G.E.C.K. and does it indeed work as advertised, and who are the thugs in power armors who shoot the innocent vault dwellers? Well, I have beat the game so now I know.
Resident Evil live action opening is unique for the series, but its the title sequence at the end that makes it one of the most memorable intros.
Post edited January 27, 2015 by uxtull
tinyE: Okay well you're all wrong and you all need to be ashamed of yourselves! :P

And to think, you call yourselves gamers!

There is only one!

This one speaks the truth. Nothing else comes close.
It's weird, I do not remember the Independance War, Homeworld, and MechCommander intro and I own those games. The cleavage in the last one should have at least made an impression in the "boobs are awesome" part of my mind. My favorite intro is Command and Conquer. I've replayed that game more than any others and I never skip the intro.
Post edited January 27, 2015 by justanoldgamer