Posted March 24, 2017

Dayman: Fighter of the Nightman
Registered: Sep 2012
From Brazil

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From Croatia
Posted March 24, 2017
Nice one :)

God and Country
Registered: Feb 2010
From United States
Posted March 24, 2017
I am really enjoying it too. The paraglider is the best piece of gear Link has gotten since the hookshot. I never ride or use my horse because I am paragliding around everywhere I can.

New User
Registered: Sep 2015
From United States
Posted March 24, 2017

I'm a die-hard LOZ fan, and I agree, LTTP is a good one, but I'm really in love with BOTW right now.

Laika's man
Registered: May 2011
From Congo, Republic of
Posted March 24, 2017

But IX is by far the best one of this bunch. Memorable and surprisingly awesome ;)

I played it on the NDS, didn't even know there was a PS2 version until now. I think I sort of prefer the sprites from the NDS than the polygonal look of the PS2. It's weird, it came out on the same year as DQ8 but I remember that one being better looking than this.
Never played 9. DQ4 or 6 were next on the list but I never got around to them. Now that the 3DS remakes are coming out I don't know if I should play DQ7 for the first time or buy and play 8 all over again.
PS: DQ8 had an optional dungeon after the credits that gave you access to the real ending, but my game always froze during the credits so I never got to play it :-(
DQIX is da bomb, go for it.
DQV on the ps2 is amazing, clearly close to the ds one!

God and Country
Registered: Feb 2010
From United States
Posted March 24, 2017

But I am part of Best Buy's Gamer Club ($20 fee for 2 years) but it gets you 20% off every game so I paid $48. BB price matches too, so if Amazon is selling a game for $40, BB matches and then I still get the 20% off on top of that so it is $32. Two full price games and you are plus $4 (before tax, even more after taxes saved are included).
If it is not in the store, a person in store can get you the discount online and have it shipped to the store or your home, or in the middle of the night at home call the 800 number and the person will match it for you. Add the My Best Buy Club rewards program (points for money spent) converted to gift cards and it adds up pretty fast. My Best Buy is free.
Post edited March 24, 2017 by MajicMan

Cat Lover
Registered: Dec 2015
From Portugal
Posted March 24, 2017
Mine was definitely Dragon Age Origins, it was my first actual RPG, i got addicted with how good the story was and how magical. Until this day i haven't found anything good enough to surpass it.

New User
Registered: Sep 2015
From United States
Posted March 24, 2017

But I am part of Best Buy's Gamer Club ($20 fee for 2 years) but it gets you 20% off every game so I paid $48. BB price matches too, so if Amazon is selling a game for $40, BB matches and then I still get the 20% off on top of that so it is $32. Two full price games and you are plus $4 (before tax, even more after taxes saved are included).
If it is not in the store, a person in store can get you the discount online and have it shipped to the store or your home, or in the middle of the night at home call the 800 number and the person will match it for you. Add the My Best Buy Club rewards program (points for money spent) converted to gift cards and it adds up pretty fast. My Best Buy is free.

Registered: Mar 2014
From United States
Posted March 25, 2017
Ultima 7 (I still remember when I was kid playing this game, that was like....Idk, 5 years ago? my life is happening fast, I am 23 now)
Zelda: Twilight Princess (just the ski minigame made it for me, that and collecting giovanni's poe souls to free him, his name is also like mine)
Long Live the Queen (playing with friends makes it worth it when you dump in people who like DnD a lot)
Call Of Duty World at War (A game which is as good in the campaign as it is in the multiplayer?! Holy shit this isn't Brutal Legend on a blue moon in Xbox Lice but I be damned if I don't take it!)
Zelda: Twilight Princess (just the ski minigame made it for me, that and collecting giovanni's poe souls to free him, his name is also like mine)
Long Live the Queen (playing with friends makes it worth it when you dump in people who like DnD a lot)
Call Of Duty World at War (A game which is as good in the campaign as it is in the multiplayer?! Holy shit this isn't Brutal Legend on a blue moon in Xbox Lice but I be damned if I don't take it!)

maskless bandit
Registered: Nov 2013
From Switzerland

New User
Registered: Sep 2015
From United States
Posted March 25, 2017
I've seen WMD, so it sounds like a blast.
While I'm not a HUGE FPS fan, duke is a good one
Sounds like a management thing, kinda like Dwarf Fortress
I've heard NOLF is a good series, I presume you've wishlisted it?
While I'm not a HUGE FPS fan, duke is a good one
Sounds like a management thing, kinda like Dwarf Fortress
I've heard NOLF is a good series, I presume you've wishlisted it?

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted March 25, 2017
The NOLF games go way beyond good.

New User
Registered: Sep 2015
From United States

custard tart
Registered: Jun 2013
From Portugal

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted March 25, 2017
A katana fight in a house in a tornado.
Nuff said. :P
Nuff said. :P