Cavalary: Regarding the ratings, you should keep the number in mind as well (it's still visible in page source), maybe adapt the rating according to it. Otherwise of course more niche games will tend to have higher ratings because they draw a particular crowd and only that crowd.
BenKii: So to give a bit of insight into how I ranked them, I went to each store page from Alexim's 2024 release list (that means all 664 games) and checked the star rating listed by the title. A lot of games had no ratings because Gog said there wasn't enough reviews to generate an average rating so I left those off the list. I did this around the first week of January and recorded the star rating for each game then sorted them. Anything that had the same star rating like several that had 4.6/5.0 then I would rank ones that had fewer reviews lower and ones with more reviews higher on the list. If there was a tie then I'd flip a coin (Except for the final two that ended up being a tie. I went with the one that looked cooler to me). If you go back to any of those games now you'll see some of the ratings have changed. Namely Mullet MadJack had a nice 4.9/5.0 but upon going back to it now says 4.8/5.0. So all my rankings are based on what they were from the first week of January.
Well, MULLET MADJACK currently has 4.8 based on 10 ratings while God of War has 4.4 based on 150 (nice round numbers, there). If applying what I recall reading once is a basic formula to determine the error margin of surveys, 1/(sqrt(number_of_responses)) and deduct that from the score you get a minimum certain score of 4.04 for God of War and 3.32 for MULLET MADJACK. Would make things quite different, and way more relevant.
From what I see, GOG considers 5 ratings as enough for a score.