CharlesGrey: I'm afraid the world has never been a civilized, kind or "fair" place. Shit like this has occurred throughout all of human history, to varying degrees, and it doesn't look like there'll be an end to it in the foreseeable future. :(
I think the problem is that a lot of us grew up in the 1990s, which was arguably the most stable decade politically in a long time, certainly in the 20th century. Sure, there were isolated national conflicts, but Europe was at its most stable, the US had a president whose biggest crime was argued to be allowing himself to be sucked off by his secretary, the Oslo Accords brought about probably the quietest period in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (relatively speaking - we're talking before Hamas really started kicking off). Sure, there were a lot of isolated national conflicts, but nothing that really threatened geopolitical stability on a larger scale.
And I think a lot of people draw upon that period as a reference, especially as the world had just come out of the Cold War in 1989. Noone in the US or Europe had really personally experienced such a period of peace.
Compare it to now: the US is threatened by the prospect of an incompetent, ill-tempered, dishonest megalomaniac coming to power (I'll reserve the concept of "potential dictator" for now because I believe that the US political system is arguably robust enough to prevent that from happening), the far right is once again storming through Europe, striving to undermine the very institutions that have kept Europe stable since WW2, the Middle East is about as unstable as it ever was, and Russia has become a dictatorship once again.
When you compare the 90s against now, it's not hard to be pessimistic.
Hunter65536: If that's the case then I'm sorry I spoke without knowing the details of the matter. I assumed hijaabs to be black, the same ones I see here in India and felt that might not be apt for a festive occasion. (Given how black is a color worn during mourning in the west)
Hijabs can be any colour. Here I've seen flowered ones, red ones, blue ones, pink ones, ones with German flags, ones with British flags, Halloween-themed ones.
Niqabs on the other hand - make of them and their social acceptability what you will - tend to be only black.