timppu: I really feel sorry for those kids, trying to integrate to a Finnish society better, and then getting that kind of negative feedback from some racist asshat? (there, I labeled her)
That's ridiculous... the usual complaint is that immigrants / refugees come over and don't integrate into the native society. Complaining that they are doing so is beyond stupid.
I think the fact the ring leader they captured was unwilling to follow the supposed ideals of his group (suicide for the greater good or whatever it is they believe) shows that these cowards just prey on the deluded and disenfranchised to do their dirty work for them and throw there lives away in the name of senseless violence, and that the organisers and perpetrators know their promises of a glorious afterlife are a load of bollocks.
But unfortunately I think their goal is division and they are slowly but surely achieving that. The more backlash created against Muslims because of these attacks, the more people who sign up to die..