TStael: I am really amazed that a Romanian would be pro Soviet Union. Can you tell me why?
You must be quite in a crepuscular zone to think I am pro Soviet Union. You do realize I study and live in the United States of America, aka America, right? Do you see what I told you by sharing this information with you? Exactly how pointing at a faulty logic makes me pro Soviet Union?
Let me put it in broad terms:
I am a general/king/voivode/domn/shah/whatever. In a modern world where economies are intertwined and what not I start a war because X reason. War ends. My country is ok. Opposing country not so much. Yada yada. Separatist movements start. People fight between themselves. Fight for supremacy and power. Ironically, people start fleeing that country. And they decide they want to come to mine because who knows why, lots of welfare and good living. Who in the name of Alexander the Great forces me to take on refugees? Who in this world says that I am responsible to destabilizing my own country and harm my own people and economy to take on an extra baggage? My duty is to my people, not to some randoms in this world that fled their OWN country because they didn't want to deal with it. As a political leader I would simply accept the prospect of trouble in my own borders by accepting some ridiculous number of refugees. To put it in the context of real world and of this thread, by accepting some 800.000 able bodied men in my country, I begin a cultural shock and long list of expenses that I must pay for these people, and greatly contribute to the unemployment rate. Do you see what happens? Yeah, nothing good. I blur national lines and cultural values for being a better human being to others, while simultaneously being a shitty asshole to my own people.
Tell me, do you think there is some unwritten law that says starting a war forces you to be humanitarian afterwards?
Oh, and what the hell do your grandfathers have to do with... anything for that matter? This discussion has gonna hella' bizarro up to the point I don't think we're talking about the same thing anymore.