infinite9: and forced multiculturalism (not to be mistaken with the type developed from natural evolutions) are killing the nations of Europe and the United States.
MaximumBunny: Are you a member of a white supremacist group, a "whites are oppressed" redneck political group, or a hate group (a group that convenes to discuss how everyone of other backgrounds are causing problems in your views)?
More like someone who believes in preserving the existence of white European peoples and cultures and who believes that self-determination should not be reserved for only people with darker skin tones, naturally drier hair texture, and certain facial bone structures but rather for all racial and ethnic groups. I also believe in calling out a problem for what it is and basically calling a spade a spade.
Also, it is not simply other people of other backgrounds that cause all the problems but people who allow themselves to get bulldozed in the name of political correctness (cucks), those that allow themselves to become tools in such schemes (the self-pity types), and the ones who orchestrate such crap (the globalists and internationalists).
By the way, the fact that white people are blamed for everything in public schools in America (at least the ones I attended) and the fact that we were never told about the Barbary Slave Trade, the Middle Eastern slave trade, black slaveholders in the Americas, and Jewish merchants that financed the Atlantic Slave Trade shows signs that these claims of "whites are oppressed" are not so exaggerated.
As I have said before, I do believe in culling the Islamic populations. I believe in stopping Islam from spreading across both Europe and the United States.