ciomalau: you're blaming religion like blaming a video game because it's violent and can influence players to commit crimes. no matter how violent a game is, you never even slap someone's face for it; or at least i wouldn't. the people who commit crimes they are crazy. and because of this, their religion is crazy too. they're basically proud to be muslim, to be crazy, and instead of seeing how wrong they are, they bask into their madness and let it grow inside their heads
I wasn't directly blaming the religion, ie "islam turned them into raving lunatics". My thinking more goes like that certain kinds of people are maybe more attracted to certain aspects that islam provides, something that they don¨t find in Christianity, Buddhism or especially atheism. It may be fuel to their darker side, but maybe not the core reason.
Like I've said before, when I think of westerners who have converted to some religion (which is new to them), people who have converted to islam, often seem quite agitated and angry. If I think of people who have converted to e.g. buddhism or christianity, that doesn't seem so profound even if there are basketcases too (I personally think people who become religious are quite often "odd", maybe going through some difficult phase in their lives or even having a trauma...).
Somewhat related, just yesterday I read some article by some guy who formerly was active in some white supremacist skinhead movement (but later grew out of it). At least in his case, he had no anti-anything beliefs (like that he hated dark-skinned people, or jews, or whatever), he was just a frightened kid. When he was introduced to the movement, suddenly he felt powerful: he was not afraid, but people were afraid of him! It made him ecstatic. He felt he fits in.
Since the movement was about white supremacy, he adopted the beliefs and was willing to do gay-bashing, black bashing etc. with his new friends who gave his life a purpose.
Still, even though it could be argued that the movement was merely fuel to him and not the core reason, I guess most still feel such a movement is a negative thing overall.