FrodoBaggins: Already backed this. SO excited! ( :
It's disappointing though, that Cayne isn't available on GOG yet, but it's out on steam.
Should have been released on both sites at the same time.
I asked yesterday what the ETA for CAYNE on GOG was and he repsonded pronto:
"Hey there, probably in a week or so. :) GOG are excited to have CAYNE - their review process is just really stringent. take care. Chris"
sorry for neglecting to post that here!!!
also from Chris in the KS comments:
"all rewards will be DRM free and delivered as such. So via Steam or a DRM partner (probably somebody beginning with a G...). For STASIS we even had a direct download for the extra goodies. thanks!"
small note: just for those who like all of the information, and this doesn't mean how it will be going forward with the STASIS or BD keys, this is just how it was with the KS STASIS key - I backed a tier that was essentially "deluxe" (with bonus content: soundtrack and whatever else things) and I do not have the "deluxe" edition on GOG, it was the basic version and I dled the extras via a direct download. I am happy with this (even though "deluxe" on here would be preferred!)