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Fairfox: But if only I could grow a mighty beard.
I think your white highlights look good the way they are.

And it doesn't clash with your hair.
Fairfox: I'd have to join a circus and entertain rowdy hoodlums! And clowns.
You already do that enough as it is just being part of the forum, really.
WBGhiro: Is there any way to grow a straight beard? Like mine grows fine but after 2-3 mm it starts getting curly and it looks like shit and I get rid of it.

it's genetics, isn't it?
Aye, it's genetics. If your genes say your beard is curly then it is curly. It your genes say it only grows 3 cm then it only grows 3 cm and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it unless you go and buy a fake one. You could try hair straightener but that will probably just burn your beard in the long run and the very least it will dry badly.
Can’t grow one. When I was on a date, I refused to go down a dark spider-infested tunnel, so my date scoffed and went on without me. It was then I bellowed ‘An elf would go underground, where a dwarf dare not?! Oh I’d never hear the end of it.’

That would’ve been so much funnier with a beard. It bothers me to this day.
tinyE: When I grew one everyone kept telling me I looked like Jesus Christ, which was fun for a while but got old, so I shaved it off.
Come to think of it, I’ve never seen you two in the same room together.
Post edited September 27, 2016 by Fairfox
Fairfox: fakes peeps out with flowery petals instead of water.
With the way this place smells, both are needed.
I'd love to grow a beard... some day.
Had one in my twenties, it was kinda fun :)
this is a nice documentary on topic:
superstande: this is a nice documentary on topic:
I think that's the same one i got from Humble Bundle like 3 years ago. Pretty good...
so i bought a face wash that softens the hairs and i bought some beard oil! man does it do wonders soooooo soft now=)
Generally speaking how much hate do you get from people you know about growing out your beard? I get alot of flak from the women in my life and at work.
Emachine9643: I get alot of flak from the women in my life and at work.
I like having my face clean-shaven, but at the same time I found this which deserves to be posted:
I'm so sick of the beard fad. Looks stupid and sloppy on most people. Unless you're some kind of Hells Angel or religious fundamentalist, don't grow one.
Grow a goatee or something instead.
Post edited October 09, 2016 by Punkoinyc
Punkoinyc: Looks stupid and sloppy on most people.
Well, it does if you don't groom it properly.
Plus, it's not like it just comes right away. It takes time.
I've known some people who look ridiculous WITHOUT one, and the beard was a big improvement.
zeogold: I've known some people who look ridiculous WITHOUT one, and the beard was a big improvement.
Facial hair is good for covering a weak chin or acne scars, there's no denying that. But nothing is more loathsome than guys like this
Punkoinyc: But nothing is more loathsome than guys like this
Some might say that's what we call a "matter of opinion".