I grew a beard for 2 years. It was interesting. My current beard is about half an inch long now, and I may be removing that fairly soon.
As for washing it. Hot water and soap/shampoo. Until it gets long enough not much to do. I recommend keeping your upper mustache area trimmed, otherwise when it gets long enough you'll keep finding your hair in your mouth at all times. Beards will also get notoriously dirty, in the last months I had mine long I would have egg yolk and bread crumbs in it constantly and having to wash it out 2-3 times a day. Best to keep it at a manageable level, say an inch or two long.
Beyond that, not sure.
hummer010: I grew a beard.
My wife hated it.
I like sex.
I no longer have a beard.
My wife for years doesn't like sex. I'd happily shave and do more around the house if I got sex. But seeing as I'm not... *shrugs* I'd be a completely different person if my needs were being met.