amok: The guy has also got very strong political views and leanings, which he manage to drag into most discussions. if you do this prepare that people do not agree with you. this has nothing to do with OCD
(never down rated him myself, is this is what it is about).
GameRager and I met shortly after I started posting here (again) maybe a year ago...
He and I were diametrically opposed on more than a few issues...
... but because I was interested in further discussions...
... I friended him.
Since that time we have had many discussions about people, games, politics, and life. Sometimes we agree. Sometimes we disagree. But through these conversations I have come to the belief that he's just a regular guy -- not some board-killing insurgent -- who means well (good intentions) but instead has been continually misunderstood and attacked (and yes, sometimes he can be his own worst enemy).
Is GameRager perfect? No. He has issues...
... but don't we all?
Has he made mistakes?
Sure... again... haven't we all?
But if this "crusade" against GameRager spent just a little time to actually talk with the guy -- to get to know him -- I sincerely believe it would see he isn't a "nuclear threat" and the harassment would stop.