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Yeah, finally a singleplayer Battletech game!
viperfdl: Yeah, finally a singleplayer Battletech game!
Weren't there some pretty cold singleplayer Battletech games (Crescent Hawk etc). It'd be great to get those on GOG! And as an update, it appears that the kickstarter is extremely close to raising 1 mil in 24 hours! Very cool, and hopefully very promising.
viperfdl: Yeah, finally a singleplayer Battletech game!
MrGOTIME: Weren't there some pretty cold singleplayer Battletech games (Crescent Hawk etc). It'd be great to get those on GOG! And as an update, it appears that the kickstarter is extremely close to raising 1 mil in 24 hours! Very cool, and hopefully very promising.
I mean since the last MechWarrior / Commander game.
I'm very interested in seeing some early gameplay, this could be amazing.
From what I understand their story building/writing has been steadily increasing in quality.
I'm not sure what MWO has to do with it though, do they have all the Battletech rights these days?
Smannesman: I'm very interested in seeing some early gameplay, this could be amazing.
From what I understand their story building/writing has been steadily increasing in quality.
I'm not sure what MWO has to do with it though, do they have all the Battletech rights these days?
The concerning part is that nobody really knows (or at least nobody is saying anything). It appears that they have the Mechwarrior rights to most (if not all) of the mech models and stuff like that...but I don't know if they have the rights to the actual software?

Seems to me there is probably a lawsuit waiting to happen somewhere...but hopefully that happens AFTER they release the game haha.

But TL;DR, no idea who has the rights.
Jordan Weisman said in an interview that it took long to get the rights for a battletech computer game and i think everything is fine. Only problem probably are the unseens which wont make it into the game ... the new marauder probably will and hopefully someothers will be rebuilt ;)

Edit: AFAIK Battletech rights are at Catalyst Labs for boardgames and at MS for Comp and Console, only against some mechs were some lawsuits. Harebrained Schemes got the rights from MS for a computer game, no console. Just read on their page and several interviews.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by hohiro
MrGOTIME: But TL;DR, no idea who has the rights.
Well Catalyst is also releasing a Battletech book so it looks like the rights are either in the hands of the developer or Catalyst, either way Harebrained shouldn't be in any trouble.
1 million has been reached and the single-player campaign has been unlocked.
Good news! I do hope they will not f@ck it up like they did with latest Shadowrun.
Cadaver747: Good news! I do hope they will not f@ck it up like they did with latest Shadowrun.
I wholly disagree with this, as I loved all 3 iterations of Shadowrun, but that's a conversation for another thread!

It's good to hear that funding is pouring in. They also announced the next stretch goals between Stage 2 and Stage 3 and it looks like htere are some awesome things. I really REALLY hope they make it to Stage 3 so we can get an open ended campaign!
MrGOTIME: I wholly disagree with this, as I loved all 3 iterations of Shadowrun, but that's a conversation for another thread!

It's good to hear that funding is pouring in. They also announced the next stretch goals between Stage 2 and Stage 3 and it looks like htere are some awesome things. I really REALLY hope they make it to Stage 3 so we can get an open ended campaign!
It's your right to agree or disagree and I can only respect that. As I loved first 2 parts of Shadowrun remake I find the latest one a big boring pile of uninteresting unrelated text pieces. And yes, it's a conversation for another thread indeed ;)

As for the BattleTech, just love this universe and have high hopes for then next project of Jordan Weisman. No wonder Kickstarter campaign is so successful. In the past BattleTech reached even closed borders of USSR.

Me and my brother spent hundred of hours in MechWarrior. Back then I thought that FASA owns some small company named Activision ;)

<<EDIT: Haven't seen Jordan Weisman's name in Hong-Kong credits.>>
Post edited October 01, 2015 by Cadaver747
Looks like I might have to revise my expectations. This thing is going stratospheric. Should hit all stretch goals comfortably at this rate.
...and still no Mechwarrior or Earthsiege (2) on GoG. :(
Klumpen0815: ...and still no Mechwarrior or Earthsiege (2) on GoG. :(
Are the Earth\Starsiege games in the same legal limbo as Mechwarrior?
Klumpen0815: ...and still no Mechwarrior or Earthsiege (2) on GoG. :(
Rusty_Gunn: Are the Earth\Starsiege games in the same legal limbo as Mechwarrior?
Earthsiege was published by Sierra, which is now owned by Blizzard.
Mechwarrior was published by Activision, which is now owned by / merged with Blizzard.
You see the problem with getting those DRM-free? :(

BTW: I actually prefered Earthsiege 2 to Mechwarrior 2 back then since I was actually able to finish it.
Post edited October 01, 2015 by Klumpen0815