GreasyDogMeat: I never suggested there was a correlation between the two. The point was how these issues are being forced on society. It is one thing to preach tolerance... something I actually practice... believe it or not. It is another to force things on people, like surgeries on fucking children who will end up killing themselves in adulthood because their lives have been ruined by radical progressive clueless parents. And no I'm not suggesting you are one of those.
Transgender children are not pushed to have surgery; in fact, there is a lot of gatekeeping one has to get through in order to be approved for surgery. In fact, getting a child approved for gender reassignment surgery is not going to happen unless the child is near adulthood and has been on hormones for a while, and hormones aren't given before the age of puberty anyway.
If you want to complain about involuntary surgeries ruining people's lives, I suggest you look at the surgeries performed on intersex infants, or look at the case of David Reimer.
louitrilobite: I also don't think we should be doing gender reassignment on children, I live in the UK and that is not a thing, there is a long process of assessment before that happens, is there anywhere that does reassignment on children?
This actually does happen to intersex babies; the doctor, being unable to tell whether a child is male or female from their genitals, makes a choice and surgically alters the genitals to conform to the doctor's choice. Of course, the doctor's choice is likely to be wrong half the time, and that can cause serious issues (including suicide) to the child as they grow up. (See also the case of David Reimer for another tragic story.)
I believe at least one country has banned this barbaric practice.