BF1942ADMIN: Hi, When i was playing with bots and I decided to test some cheats so I used:
aiCheats.code Tobias.Karlsson - Invincibility
aiCheats.code TheAllSeeingEyeOfTheAIProgammer -allows the user or 'hacker' to see stats of bots
When the axis' ticket reached a low amount (33 or 24) the allies points were instantly deducted to 0
Does anybody know whats going on is it an anti-cheat system ?
By the way the map was 'Battle of Britain'
On most maps - though I'm not sure it would apply to Battle of Britain - if one side captures all of the spawn points and kills the last surviving enemy player / bot, the points will zoom down to 0 in very short order. Maybe that's what happened, though, again, not sure if that's possible on that particular map.
Er, wait, yeah, it is possible, but from a different game mechanic. In that one, instead of spawn points the Brits have to defend the radar sites and the 2 factories. Once all of those sites are destroyed, the same thing happens: quick countdown to 0 and the Axis team wins.
DubConqueror: Plus I'm too shy to play online, I wouldn't know how to behave.
You simply play. You don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to. Just be a good team player, don't camp to get the planes all the time, and have fun. I generally went lone wolf, being sneaky to get into the rear of the enemy areas and make problems there as best I could - not by camping / sniping, but by attempting to capture the unguarded points away from the action.