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Nearly everything I'm hearing about this so far gives me serious flashbacks to how The Amazing Spider-Man 2 turned out.
wolfsrain: Nope. Since 52's and New 52's, there are no visible improvements,
Breja: If anything, I think it got much worse since it started. Right after Flashpoint it was sort of hit and miss, some stuff really good (Wonder Woman), some ok (Justice League) and some total disasters (Green Arrow). But eventually it all went downhill, and pretty much every character got butchered to the point where I don't recognise or gice a damn about any of them.
No offense but do you regularly buy these comic books of the New 52 and read them? How far have you gotten?

And besides I remember hearing that DC is rebooting their comic books again I think?
InfraSuperman: Nearly everything I'm hearing about this so far gives me serious flashbacks to how The Amazing Spider-Man 2 turned out.

I want to see that Jusitce League movie with that Zack Snyder level of action and visuals. But I hate the fact that everyone has to judge this one for the Justice League movie I am excited for the most to be bad and it blows in the Box Office and then DC/WB reboots DC movies AGAIN!!!

Just please let me have my Zack Snyder Justice League movie internet. Please!!!

Why must Batman v Superman be the deciding movie to make Justice League happen or not :(

There I let my fanboy-side out. Now my rational side resurfaced.
Post edited March 23, 2016 by Elmofongo
Breja: If anything, I think it got much worse since it started. Right after Flashpoint it was sort of hit and miss, some stuff really good (Wonder Woman), some ok (Justice League) and some total disasters (Green Arrow). But eventually it all went downhill, and pretty much every character got butchered to the point where I don't recognise or gice a damn about any of them.
Elmofongo: No offense but do you regularly buy these comic books of the New 52 and read them? How far have you gotten?
I'm no longer reading any of them. Haven't for a couple of years. I'm just keeping tabs on what they're doing reading news on various websites. And pretty much all I see, I don't like. If you like them, power to you. I'm sure there is some stuff there that's good. But it's not my DC anymore. It's not the characters I liked and cared about, it's not the universe I knew, with history and legacy I got invested in.

Elmofongo: And besides I remember hearing that DC is rebooting their comic books again I think?
They're doing... something. Hell if I know. It's not a total reboot, it's more like a company wide retcon I think. How much they change, and what the result will be I have no idea.

Elmofongo: Why must Batman v Superman be the deciding movie to make Justice League happen or not :(
Because it's the same director and a huge chunk of the cast. I really hope the movie is a success and we get Justice League, but I totally get why this is a deciding factor.

Also, I already lost the Justice League of my dream, the one directed by George Miller. So do what you will, Internet. You can't hurt me any more!
Post edited March 23, 2016 by Breja
Elmofongo: No offense but do you regularly buy these comic books of the New 52 and read them? How far have you gotten?
Breja: I'm no longer reading any of them. Haven't for a couple of years. I'm just keeping tabs on what they're doing reading news on various websites. And pretty much all I see, I don't like. If you like them, power to you. I'm sure there is some stuff there that's good. But it's not my DC anymore. It's not the characters I liked and cared about, it's not the universe I knew, with history and legacy I got invested in.

Elmofongo: And besides I remember hearing that DC is rebooting their comic books again I think?
Breja: They're doing... something. Hell if I know. It's not a total reboot, it's more like a company wide retcon I think. How much they change, and what the result will be I have no idea.

Elmofongo: Why must Batman v Superman be the deciding movie to make Justice League happen or not :(
Breja: Because it's the same director and a huge chunk of the cast. I really hope the movie is a success and we get Justice League, but I totally get why this is a deciding factor.

Also, I already lost the Justice League of my dream, the one directed by George Miller. So do what you will, Internet. You can't hurt me any more!
The thing is if this movie fails terribly at the Box Office then Warner Bros. may cancel all the planned movies and just reboot the DC movies again.

And urgh the idea of it.

Imagine if say James Gunn or Joss Wheadon directs a DC movie.
Elmofongo: The thing is if this movie fails terribly at the Box Office then Warner Bros. may cancel all the planned movies and just reboot the DC movies again.
I might be very mistaken, by I can hardly imagaine it failing that badly. I mean, the online haters might be vocal, but they don't really constitute a majority of the audience. And it's Batman and Superman. I can hardly imagine anything Batman not being at least a moderate success, just based on the "Batman" name alone. I'll be really surprised if it's an utter failure. I think the reall doubt is whether it's performs just "good" or actually is a huge, huge hit. My bet is somewhere in the middle. But it would have to bomb hard for DC to abandon all it's current plans, with Suicide Squad almost ready and Wonder Woman already in production. If it's below expectations I wouldn't rule out a change in the director seat for JL though.
Elmofongo: The thing is if this movie fails terribly at the Box Office then Warner Bros. may cancel all the planned movies and just reboot the DC movies again.
Breja: I might be very mistaken, by I can hardly imagaine it failing that badly. I mean, the online haters might be vocal, but they don't really constitute a majority of the audience. And it's Batman and Superman. I can hardly imagine anything Batman not being at least a moderate success, just based on the "Batman" name alone. I'll be really surprised if it's an utter failure. I think the reall doubt is whether it's performs just "good" or actually is a huge, huge hit. My bet is somewhere in the middle. But it would have to bomb hard for DC to abandon all it's current plans, with Suicide Squad almost ready and Wonder Woman already in production. If it's below expectations I wouldn't rule out a change in the director seat for JL though.
The thibg is I read this article saying that this movie can make or break WB's future plans for new movies:
I'm only really apprehensive about Doomsday, he looks like a reject cave troll from lord of the rings, or a 3d students sculpting showreel, what asshole designed him for one of the most powerful beings in the whole universe. Terrible.

I notice they completely took him out of the latest trailers, not surprising. Because he looks shit Zach.
bad_fur_day1: I'm only really apprehensive about Doomsday, he looks like a reject cave troll from lord of the rings, or a 3d students sculpting showreel, what asshole designed him for one of the most powerful beings in the whole universe. Terrible.

I notice they completely took him out of the latest trailers, not surprising. Because he looks shit Zach.
Probably says alot of the actor playing him because this Doomsday looks like Michael Shannon.
DaCostaBR: I get that. I really wish we could ever see in the movies Batman investigate a serial killer. Like Victor Zsasz, or Calendar Man. A story where neither the world nor the city are in mortal danger (which we know from the start will never come to fruition). Not even that many people are in danger either. Just a criminal, that will kill again if Batman doesn't find him first. It would also be an opportunity to show the supposed "World's Greatest Detective" earn his title, which we've never seen on screen.
I think a Batman film like that would be utterly brilliant. They could even base it off of something like Eduardo Risso's Batman Noir, where Batman himself is the hunted.


I want to see that Jusitce League movie with that Zack Snyder level of action and visuals.
IMHO, the problem is that while Snyder is very talented at making movies with visuals and actions, he's not good at backing it up with any kind of substance. That was very apparent to me with Watchmen, which didn't do the depth of the original comic any justice at all. It certainly looked very faithful to the comic (much like 300), but stripped of the meta-narrative elements, it felt like Snyder took the complex multi-layered narrative of the comic and flattened it with a hammer to make a movie-friendly, "Oh no, one of our own people is the *real* bad guy..."-style plot.

But the far bigger problem here is that WB/DC are trying to position the DCU as a direct competitor to the MCU (or at the very least, has let public perception do that). That's simply not going to work. The MCU has had a several year/multi-movie headstart (with a string of fairly successful movies no less) with Phase I and Phase II to set up the characters for their big tentpole movies like Avengers and Civil War.

DC simply hasn't had that. All they really have is Man of Steel, and while it was a box office success, it doesn't seem to me as successful in terms of mindshare and fan acceptance as any of the MCU Phase I and Phase II movies. Where is the movie to set up Ben Affleck's Batman? They could have done the "World's Greatest Detective" movie earlier, and have that intro us to that character. Same goes for Wonder Woman and the whole plethora of DC heroes that they've shoehorned into this film (in addition to the new Lex Luthor). They're basically try to go right from almost nothing to The Avengers without anything in between to lead into it.

That's why, IMO, The Avengers worked: it didn't have to bog itself down in excessive exposition to introduce us to the main characters, giving it room to deliver a well-formed and fleshed-out story. Without the support of a full "DCU Phase I", I'm fearful that Snyder will try to pack that all into BvS itself, and the movie's narrative as a whole will suffer for it.

I'm sure it'll look pretty kick-ass, though.

Elmofongo: The thing is I read this article saying that this movie can make or break WB's future plans for new movies:
In this movie we're expected to buy into Lex, Wonder Woman and Batman, all three characters with significant value to the fans and the franchise, all with three actors who have been so far arguably unproven in the roles for which they've been cast. It's a huge, huge risk, both for audiences and for the studio. I feel like it was really unwise for WB to have gambled so much on this one movie; there are too many things that could go wrong.

And that's why I'm going in with my expectations seriously lowered. And really, I feel like the speculation over how poorly or well it's going to far may be moot -- even if it's just going to be mediocre, it'll still make a ton of cash, and Elmofongo will still get his Justice League movies. :) We'd have to see a Fantastic Four 2015-level of failure to actually see that all put into jeopardy.
DaCostaBR: I get that. I really wish we could ever see in the movies Batman investigate a serial killer. Like Victor Zsasz, or Calendar Man. A story where neither the world nor the city are in mortal danger (which we know from the start will never come to fruition). Not even that many people are in danger either. Just a criminal, that will kill again if Batman doesn't find him first. It would also be an opportunity to show the supposed "World's Greatest Detective" earn his title, which we've never seen on screen.
Wow, that would actually be super awesome. It won't ever happen, but it would be super awesome :P
Well, the situation on the reviews front looks bleak. Can't say I much care, I've seen so many movies with bad reviews I loved, and so many movies with overwhelmingly positive reviews I thought were utter shit. Also, maybe it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it really feels to me like a sort of mob mentality has developed among the reviewers. Like no one has the balls to be that guy who said plain and simple that Force Awakens is bland, redundant and just not good, no one wants to be the guy who dislikes a Marvel movie or a Disney movie in general, so the DC stuff becomes sort of the designated scape goat, something all the reviewrs feel obliged to hate to even things out.

It's also telling I think, that from what I've read so far (trying to avoid spoilers, so maybe the spoiler-filled articles and reviews say otherwise) it looks like it's a pretty ambitious movie. It has ideas, it has scope, and it attempts something different with the characters and the crossover superhero movie in general. Even those who didn't love it seemed to indicate so. I may be totally off, but it looks to me like it's pretty much as I've expected. BvS is an attempt to defy the current prevailent "superhero formula", the the cliched, mindless kid friendly approach, and that's not what people want. I kind of feel like this is like seeing The Dark Knight Returns comics getting published in the 60's.

Of course I admit there is the possibility of this just being a very bad movie, plain and simple. I doubt it, but I know it's possible. Don't think that I have my mind made up, and set in stone. If this does, indeed, suck, I will bash it without mercy.

That said, I expect the discussion to become spoiler filled tomorrow, so I'll proabably not look into this thread untill I see the movie myself next friday. I hope there will still be some of you around interested in keeping the discussion going by then.
Post edited March 24, 2016 by Breja
Anything else coming out this weekend? :P
Breja: snip
To me it sounds very different. Apparently yes, there is a lot of stuff in this movie, too much stuff.

From the reviews it looks like this is the DC's Iron Man 2, a movie too preoccupied in setting up future events to tell a good story right now.

I thought Daredevil season 2 was like that as well. Still enjoyable, but unfocused, and not as good as it could have been otherwise.
Breja: snip
DaCostaBR: To me it sounds very different. Apparently yes, there is a lot of stuff in this movie, too much stuff.

From the reviews it looks like this is the DC's Iron Man 2, a movie too preoccupied in setting up future events to tell a good story right now..
Maybe, maybe. I don't claim to know anything for sure right now. I'm justsaying how I feel about it right now, based on how I've seen the audience and the critics react to various blockbusters in recent time, and how my opinion (mis)aligned.
Did you know this movie is coming out right now? I was certain it was tomorrow. There's a 15:15 showing but I'd have to run to try and catch it. I'll go on the 19:15 instead and put this thing to bed. Brace yourselves for incoming spoilers.