hyperagathon: I don't usually use BE, but: doesn't work, I get a "TypeError: saved_settings is null" in the console. It reports a few places (lines) where this (presumably) happens, and it's the settings.initialise function. Basically, it tries to load some stuff via GM's API, and this fails for some reason. Following up on that, I tried opening the database file in which this stuff gets saved, but that didn't provide anything useful. Went back to look at the code, and there was a line in there that was suspicious, so I commented it out. Tadaaa.
For reference to anyone interested, excuse the formatting: If you comment out the last line (prefix //), it lights up. Of course, since I'm not a regular user, I have no idea if it does everything it's supposed so, but I see the old logo and quick reply functionality.
OK, so I had to mess with it a bit more. The above works fine if you don't have any settings you've saved. The suspicious line was there because the author stored the settings as JSON. Blah blah blah, here's the (fully) functioning version:
Thanks, this fixed the issue. :)