Posted November 04, 2018
MarkoH01: Could you please explain a bit what you mean by "to the end?". I tried this and my firefox (though it's an old firefox) crashed - but maybe I just did it wrong?
I created a user script so it shouldn't be necessairy to modify the original script. You can install it from here: If you'd rather want to modify the original Barefoot Essentials script, by "to the end" I meant after the last line of the original script (after the closing brackets):
// }
// check version, and show changelog if new
storage.get('last_BE_version', function(last_BE_version) {
if (last_BE_version === undefined) last_BE_version = default_prev_version
else if (settings.get('BE-show-changelog') !== false && cmpVersion(last_BE_version, version) < 0) {'Changelog')
storage.set('last_BE_version', version)
$(window).on('DOMSubtreeModified', function() {
$(".product-tile:has(.product-tile__labels--in-library)").css("opacity", "0.25")
Either way your browser needs to support the DOMSubtreeModified event. You can check wether your browser supports it here:
Post edited November 04, 2018 by DaveBentfield