ShadowWulfe: That would be awesome.
I've been meaning to do the Ultima games at some point (I was not much of an RPG fan back in the day).
Would it be good to start with 1? As long as I keep a pen and paper handy?
Ultimas I-III are basically the pre-history of the classic Ultima story line. I is a lot of fun, and it involves a semi-medieval world that also has laser guns and, believe it or not spaceships. You will be able to fight for ancient kings as well as blast Tie Fighters in the same game. II takes place on Earth (or a planet similar to earth but a lot smaller and has time travel and space travel as well.) III is the first really complicated Ultima that requires taking a lot of notes. It is also the first where you can lead several characters, although you create all of them.
If you want to start with the classic Avatar story, I suggest starting with Ultima IV. For that you will need a pen and paper. Take notes at every discussion, as many characters have very important things to say that will help you solve many mysteries as you travel throughout Britannia. It's also a much more coherent world with only Medieval/Renaissance technology and the story is the first of its kind.
As an added bonus, Ultima IV will give you a free preview of Ultima and the world of Britannia. The independent version of IV (the one that is not part of the second trilogy) is free here on GOG. I-III take place in separate worlds, but IV is the beginning of Britannia proper (although Sosaria in I and III are the predecessor to Britannia) and is probably a good place to start to get into the main Avatar storyline.
I hope that helps you get started in the world of Ultima.