GHOSTMD: perhaps, but its called "identity" which is social media speak
so everybody will see that option, point is, this kind of nonsense is what pushes language changes
before you can say "BG3 is awesome af" you re in the center of a shitstorm because you used the "wrong language"
thats why i am so focused on it and that it should not be there at all
StingingVelvet: Language evolves though, social norms evolve. I try very hard not to be the old guy yelling at the kids on the street because I hate change. Change is normal and inevitable, and as long as everyone is a consenting adult I don't care who they fuck or what they want to call themselves. You be polite to me, I'll be polite to you, and that's all that really matters to me.
Yes language evovles from itself, it never evolved from forcing it. Social Media Speak is forced.
Due to Guidelines, TOS, Codes of Conduct and so on and on. Go ahead try to use certain words
these days that were not punishable a few years ago... you will see where this leads too.
Go ahead....try to form a different thought that diverges from the ideology that gets pushed primarily
on Social Media Platforms. You will see where it leads. You even can lose your job / livelyhood if you
are "saying the wrong" things or should i say if you "wrongthink"? You call that evolving? Nah man thats
backwards and it can not be good. Because i know how it is to grow it in a state where languge is
controlled like this, even if it was just the first 12 years of my life. Yes change is normal and inevitable
forced change though is intrusive and this kind of language change out of "political correctness" did go
way to far already.
There are already ppl that use the * break here or try to, for me those sound like they have a
nervous tick and nothing else. It is just awful and quite orwellian i might add. Even more so since
my languge already has enough neutrums to use.
Pretty sure the concept of identity has existed long before social media was invented.
Yes the concept does exist for quite a long time, but not in that context.
The context of this kind of Identity didn t exist as for a few years ago, because Social Media gave
it a massive boost, it might have existed as subculture as subcultures did exist for ages now.
But said subcultures never tried to force the soceity as a whole to speak like the subculture, think like
said subculture or do the same things as that subculture.
I used and alegory there with HOW fast you get shut down if a rage mob things you said the wrong thing.
you re faster in trouble than you can say "BG 3 is awesome AF" guess you re not familar with that saying
/ context?
IN this context the options that should be there are
BODYTYPE Male / Female
Gender(sex) Male / Female
and all the varations you can build out of those
But those words got erased because they were deemed to offensive for modern times tzk...
Bringing in Identity linked to that, is pushing propanda that aims to errode our language so
the lines of physical obvservable facts can be denied, ignored and or rightout being banned out of denial.
It is a delusion at this point that has gone way to far, as sport events for example show.
As Schools show, as bragging on Social Media shows why certain ppl are denied "treatment" at a gynogelist.
From where i stand it is absolutely INSANE and we do nothing because out of fear to be called names.
Madness i do say, madness pushed by ppl that will do everything for internetpoints.
Hogwarts Legacy is a really good example of what happens when you go to far with those changes.
As far as i have seen it, it was the most "progessive" game to date, even rightout falsely representing the england
of the 1800s but alas what happend??? We all know what happend to streamers and so on.
I refuse to be ok with Streamers being threatend, harrassed, bullied just because they want to show a game
to their peers. I BLOODY refuse to accept developers being bullied and harrassed because, ppl think they
have a "moral high ground" over others, all the while they censor any thought or word that diverges from
their view. You don t have to believe me, when i say this languge is pure poisen and erroding.
The events of the last 4 to 6 years regarding this kind of topic speak for themself.
Comics, Movies, Sport and now Video Games...
That is what we face, that is why i am against language changes like this. (So should you)
As for the concept of identity, it was always about the persona and never was directly linked to
your gender, otherwise every agent that uses disguises would not suit into the categories we
use till this day. Heck Bugs Bunny wouldn t suit even XD for that matter(when he was impersonating a valkyrie.
The gender is not your identity, your personal traits and flaws form your identity your character if you will say so.
From where i came from, it was always live and let live point of view, hey you can do whatever you want
as long as you don t hurt others. That status Quo has changed, because now we are being
forced or better coerced into using the same languge as the subculture that pushes it, that is not good. Seing such language in character creators though is just the symptom aka one of the symptoms how it gets pushed.
I tend to think, it will get worse over the next few years with Video Games, other media seems to go back
right now, because the money already runs dry. Not sure for Comics but Movies sure are in trouble.
So we will see what will happen.
I think we gonna see a rise in "anti mods" and sites hosting them in the next few years, since the usual platforms
fell victim to the same over tolerance we are talking about here.
So me personally, as someone who grew up thoughout the 80s and 90s seeing all this is awfull, sometimes even
rightout horrifying, since i realize how much of the tolerance we achieved back then is destroyed right now.
Due to policies that enforce said language changes / use of "non offensive" language.