dtgreene: What game has a 30 minute cut scene before a boss fight? The worst case I am aware of is a boss in Final Fantasy 10 that's proceeded by a 5 minute cut scene that a typical player will likely have to watch (at least) twice on their first playthrough.
NuffCatnip: 30 minutes is a bit exaggerated I guess, but in Final Fantasy 10 I died during a later Seymor fight (multiple times) and the Yunalesca fight (again, multiple times) due to being underleveled.
All I remember is that I had to watch the cutscene/s prior to the fights a ffew times too many. :P
It's been over 10 years but Shadow Hearts, if I remember correctly, had similar lengthy cut scenes before bosses.
The Yunalesca pre-fight cutscene is the one I timed, from Youtube videos, to be 5 minutes.
(Spoilers for the actual fight (not the cutscenes) follow.)
It's worth noting that being underleveled is not the only way to lose the Yunalesca fight. In particular, the following strategy could result in you losing the fight, at least in theory:
* Go in with a party ready to take on Penance, complete with celestial weapons and suitable armor (never mind the fact that I don't know if it's possible at this point, but let's ignore that issue), Note that the recommended armor for Penance does not include Ribbon, and it may or may not include Break HP Limit.
* Kill the first form in one attack.
* After Hellbiter, cure your party of Zombie. (Doesn't this seem like a sensible thing to do?)
* Kill the second form in one attack.
* Watch as your party gets wiped out by Mega-Death. (Remember, you don't have Ribbon, because it's not needed for Penance.)
(Granted, this strategy assumes things you can't have at that point, and it might not make sense to bother curing Zombie when you're that powerful, but this gets the point across.)
By the way, Final Fantasy 5 and the DS version of Final Fantasy 4 both have a part with a long cutscene and a boss fight (that you could easily lose rather quickly), but at least the boss fight comes *before* the cutscene in both cases. (With that said, the FF5 example includes a story battle where a softlock is possible.)