Crassmaster: I don't think anyone actually has a problem with you saying 'Steam is shit.' Nothing wrong with that opinion at all, and you're welcome to it. It's when you decided that your opinion was sacrosanct and the same as fact...THAT'S when people commented. And you continuing to double down on that, and immediately discounting any opposite opinion (again, opinions that are perfectly valid to have) as wrong because they DARE disagree with yours, is when you come off as hilariously smug and self important.
Of course, realizing that any of this is true would require self analysis that you seem far too immature to possess.
PookaMustard: I'm more mature than you will ever be. But hey, keep going on the insults. Actually did people ever disagree with the fact that Steam is shit? No, they insulted me on it. Nobody went down their high horses and said "Steam is not shit because XYZ" but they said "Steam is not shit you shithead."
Go back to your own cave where your examples work; clearly you never read the thread.
Keep on keepin' on, brave warrior. I salute your courage with peals of laughter. But I'm pretty confident you've grown used to that by now...unless most of it is still behind your back or waiting until you leave the room.