drealmer7: holy geez this game is kicking my ass
any tips? I think I might give in and choose unlimited missles to make it a little easier
Do you have a good joystick?
Are you playing the CD-Collector's version? Because some of the original "impossible missions" have been toned down to "insanely hard" in that one, while the Special Edition uses another engine, which leads to missions timers being off - making some missions harder and some easier.
Otherwise: Persistance... All missions are beatable, but you have to understand energy management and sometimes you need a little luck (like your wingmen surviving long enough or actually hitting something). And really learn to aim with your lasers, esp. the X-Wing's lasers are rather far apart so it's easy to miss the tiny TIE Fighters. That's something the game requires you to learn and practice, since you need to dispose of enemy fighters rather quickly in later missions.