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I'm always worried when I see such remasters, wondering what gets changed or lost in the process... And feel even worse for getting rid of the first four seasons when I had that HDD failure in 2007 and I had no room to back up everything when it temporarily "revived", since it was while I was finally watching it properly and I had already watched those, was at season 5 then, so just kept season 5, the movies minus the first one (also already watched), and Crusade. Those are still backed up somewhere since then, actually. Yeah, they were obtained, er, as pretty much everything was at the time, and CD quality, analog TV resolution, 350 Mb/episode, 700 Mb/movie, so compression likely means that it looks worse than it actually did on TV back in the day, but what matters is that it's the real, original stuff, without somebody messing around with it.

At least the file with quotes from the series is still on my desktop, has been ever since. And quite a number, and quite a number of scenes, are burned into my mind. Don't see how the fact that I see it as the best TV series could ever change.

PS: About condensing season 5 into 4, quite distinctly remember JMS saying that just four episoded of five were squeezed into four when they thought they won't get renewed. But yes, the final episode was filmed so it'll be the end of season 4 if that will be it, then actually aired at the end of season 5.
Post edited November 01, 2023 by Cavalary
Cavalary: And quite a number, and quite a number of scenes, are burned into my mind.
That's actually been something of a "problem" for me :D I've been waiting to rewatch it for years, because despite the passage of time so much of it is still so fresh in my mind, and I hoped, if that's the right word, to forget it a bit, so rewatching will be more fun. But it seems, despite my memory usually being pretty bad, Babylon 5 is one thing my mind refuses to forget.
Post edited November 01, 2023 by Breja
Cavalary: And quite a number, and quite a number of scenes, are burned into my mind.
Breja: That's actually been something of a "problem" for me :D I've been waiting to rewatch it for years, because despite the passage of time so much of it is still so fresh in my mind, and I hoped, if that's the right word, to forget it a bit, so rewatching will be more fun. But it seems, despite my memory usually being pretty bad, Babylon 5 is one thing my mind refuses to forget.
Don't want to rewatch it. (Quite sure I said all of this on here before.) I mean, I don't rewatch (or reread, or replay) things anyway, but B5 in particular. It was on TV here in 2000-2001 at a hour when I was just getting back from school, so I was missing the first part of some episodes and occasionally missing one completely or nearly so, and I'm quite sure that I didn't start watching it from the beginning but possibly after accidentally seeing an episode and getting hooked, but even so it left a huge impression, and that was just what made me wary of actually watching it properly, so even though I had an always-on connection since 2003 and could therefore obtain it via the same means that I eventually used a few years later, I kept putting it off for fear that it won't stand up to the nostalgia-tinted glasses. But it didn't just stand up, but actually had even more of an impact and left me even more in awe. Still, while I no longer really think that I might end up disappointed if I would watch it again, I'd rather avoid any such risk and keep it as something I'll remain in awe of, just as I remember it.
Wasn't there a talk of JMS re-something Babylon 5? (Rebooting? Redoing) I wonder if that project is going to happen.

Also, is it normal that the DVD is more expensive than the Blu-Ray?

Something I keep wondering was what the original story would have been, had JMS got everything he wanted.
Breja: I take it it's good then? I decided to put off watching it ntill I have the time to properly rewatch the whole series from the beginning. I'll admit, I treat B5 with perhaps excessive reverence, it being my single favorite tv show of all time. And I had some misgivings about the new film, the animation style isn't exactly something I'm in love with, and the trailers made it seem like there are alternate universes in play, which really didn't sound great to me in context of B5 (though maybe I'm just sick of multiverses in general).
Gede: Wasn't there a talk of JMS re-something Babylon 5? (Rebooting? Redoing) I wonder if that project is going to happen.
Yes, the animation partly sets up to an yet unknown reboot. The Road Home begins in 2262, just after the episode "Objects at Rest". Without writing too much I would recommend to have the series somewhat "fresh" in memory even though it ends by setting up for this alternate timeline concerning the Shadow War and Sheridan. It also explains a couple of things, like the Zathras' and G'Kar. Shame they couldn't use materials / story elements from Crusade because of legalities:
Sheridan immediately chimes in 'and lost in S...' but Zathras immediately cuts him off 'Do not say, even now many issues with copyright'. A couple of minutes later when summarising Zathras says 'not only is The One unstuck in time, and the thing... we cannot mention'.

I really liked it. It has that quirky JMS feel to it and I don't mind the anime style here; just an another way of telling a story, especially in light of our recent loss of main actors, like Andreas Katsulas, Mira Furlan and Jerry Doyle. The new voiceovers does a great job in my mind, considering.

I usually re-watch B5 every 5-7 years and having a blast each time as it's a complex/detailed story. Stargate SG1 on the other hand is something I also love but has a problem re-watching as I remember it all too well (and frankly, the storylines are simpler than those on BS5).

EDIT: The fan-remaster that was made a few years ago is actually pretty good, compared to the DVD's.
Post edited November 04, 2023 by sanscript
If I remember correctly, the renderings back then were done with a professional version of Reflections/Monzoom3D, right?

I bought and used that software for a while, created some Star Wars animations and wallpapers, but never really got into it.
Gede: Wasn't there a talk of JMS re-something Babylon 5? (Rebooting? Redoing) I wonder if that project is going to happen.
Rebooting. It still might.
Also, is it normal that the DVD is more expensive than the Blu-Ray?
I wouldn't think so, but maybe by now more people have Blu Ray and it's more expensive to have a limited DVD run or something?
Something I keep wondering was what the original story would have been, had JMS got everything he wanted.
I went into that above: 5 seasons for B5 with a different ending (foreshadowed in Babylon Squared) and Sinclair would not have been replaced by Sheridan, followed by another 5-season sequel show.

neumi5694: If I remember correctly, the renderings back then were done with a professional version of Reflections/Monzoom3D, right?
Nope, LightWave 3D. Surprisingly still around and in development (not for the Amiga though, Mac/PC only ;) ).
sanscript: EDIT: The fan-remaster that was made a few years ago is actually pretty good, compared to the DVD's.
Could you share a bit more about the fan-remaster you mention? Is it a main-plot focus of the series?