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Playing games fast for charity: it's time for Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, a week-long speedrunning event where the most skilled of the community come together and have at it non-stop until January 14th. All donations go directly to The Prevent Cancer Foundation.

Have your mind blown by super-human controller voodoo, witness world records, learn about the science of exploiting glitches and win a bunch of prizes on top - watch the stream on for all of that and more.
Post edited January 07, 2018 by chevkoch
And I have to work today. =/

Thank god the runs are archived.
RayRay13000: Thank god the runs are archived.
Never managed to watch everything live I wanted to, so I too am glad they'll always put runs on YouTube later. Still trying my best to catch whatever I can during this week's stream.
guessing this isn't the first time you have "powered" through a game.... Batman Arkham in under 1:20:00
Thanks for the reminder chevkoch!

The past AGDQs really have been great marathons and it looks like this year won't be an exception. That Contra co-op run was unreal!

If you have any interest in speedrunning It's definitely worth checking out.
How does the prevent cancer charity actually prevent cancer?
Dejavous: guessing this isn't the first time you have "powered" through a game.... Batman Arkham in under 1:20:00
Just watched the last part of Contra III. Always amusing when a runner encounters a rarer "troll" pattern that has their voice pitch change in sheer panic momentarily :D
LongitudinalThrust: Thanks for the reminder chevkoch!

The past AGDQs really have been great marathons and it looks like this year won't be an exception. That Contra co-op run was unreal!
You are so welcome :) Missed the Contra co-op, something to put on my list to watch when it's up on YouTube, cheers!
Post edited January 08, 2018 by chevkoch
Spectre: How does the prevent cancer charity actually prevent cancer?
I'm not going to claim to be an expert on their activities, so here's a link to their site:

They gave a speach at the begining of the marathon, sounded a little better than in previous years (I'm a fan of the research grant being added). I do remember that the event organizers caught some flak a year or two ago because the Prevent Cancer Foundation focused mainly on the US. Sounds like the PCF is addressing that issue now though.
Spectre: How does the prevent cancer charity actually prevent cancer?
Their mission statement video mentions research, risk reduction and related education. There's more on their site on that it seems, please note I'm not a representative of that charity.
Spectre: How does the prevent cancer charity actually prevent cancer?
LongitudinalThrust: I'm not going to claim to be an expert on their activities, so here's a link to their site:

They gave a speach at the begining of the marathon, sounded a little better than in previous years (I'm a fan of the research grant being added). I do remember that the event organizers caught some flak a year or two ago because the Prevent Cancer Foundation focused mainly on the US. Sounds like the PCF is addressing that issue now though.
I too remember that past criticism about their sole focus on the US. Here they list global initiatives they are supporting.
Post edited January 08, 2018 by chevkoch
Watch Donkey Kong Country right now, in reverse boss order! Apparently that insane thing is possible...
Post edited January 08, 2018 by chevkoch
chevkoch: Watch Donkey Kong Country right now, in reverse boss order! Apparently that insane thing is possible...
There were some interesting glitches in that one, that's for sure! I'm still a little disappointed that the sound cut out when they were doing the TAS explanation of them.

It's not just about the glitches though. If anyone is interested in RNG manipulation, they're doing a Fire Emblem run now. Those games are always great examples of it.
I never donate to those things, not since this:
chevkoch: Watch Donkey Kong Country right now, in reverse boss order! Apparently that insane thing is possible...
Seen that live, it was awesome. I love me some AGDQ.
I also caught the coop Contra run live, that was also pretty entertaining, and the El Matador run, mygod. That game is broken as all hell.

I'm looking forward for a few runs like TMNT, Battletoads (both arcade and NES), Bubsy II, Titenic (that's right, no typo, this is an actual game, albeit a bootleg one), Duke Nukem 3D and a few others.

Haven't donated though. Not yet, at least :)
chevkoch: Playing games fast for charity: it's time for Awesome Games Done Quick 2018, a week-long speedrunning event where the most skilled of the community come together and have at it non-stop until January 14th. All donations go directly to The Prevent Cancer Foundation.

Have your mind blown by super-human controller voodoo, witness world records, learn about the science of exploiting glitches and win a bunch of prizes on top - watch the stream on for all of that and more.
Thanks, chevkoch.

Sadly, it couldn't have come at a busier time. And my PC is broken too. I'll probably have to settle for watching archive later :(
A couple runs that GOG forum goers might be interested in:

1. Ultima 6 (SNES version) is being run by squibbons (currently scheduled for Thursday at 9:47 AM)
2. Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (remake) is being run by tinahacks (7:24 AM Friday)

They're not the exact same versions that are on GOG, but I think people who've played (or ar interested in) the GOG version will enjoy these runs, and the latter game is pretty much identical to the PC version anyway.

Edit: These times are in my local time according to the website (UTC-06:00, which should be US Central Time).
Post edited January 09, 2018 by dtgreene