Breja: Very good idea for a giveaway. I'm not in, since my masterpiece doesn't really have the shape of a proper cover anyway. Just consider this a bump.
Best bump I might have seen ever. Blasphemy creates controversy which sure should translate into big sales. Can't go wrong with twin muppets too. Would easily qualify as a worst cover entry, just let me know if you change your mind and want to be in still.
Martian12: Maybe the best giveaway idea I have ever stumbled upon.
I'm not sure if I'm in, perhaps I will try to create something that would meet the artistic guidelines of this thread.
Thanks for the kind words :) Now you gotta enter!
Breja: Reminds me of a giveaway I once tried doing, in which people were supposed to make GOG-themed Magic the Gathering cards like the attached one. That's even simpler, there are online generators for those, just find a pic and write some text. If memory serves there wasn't a single entry :P
Love the card and the GA idea, not one entry though? Heathens!
Ghorpm: Two minutes of work ;)
Two minutes well wasted indeed. Grabbing this box from the shelf, I can see people trying to make sense of what's contained within, before giving up after half an hour of wracking their brains. What am I buying here? Will it suck so much that it will actually be good? Ghorpm, you are in, right?
te_lanus: Here's mine, (bit toooooo big for gog attachment)
Spared no expenses for this one, killed two stunt drivers and endangered half a village of onlookers. Respect, if this doesn't move the game, what will? And I'll just assume you are in for the giveaway with this :)