bler144: I assumed batch 5 was the end of this GA, so I'd stopped checking in. Not that I'm in for anything, but hey, I'm around to bump the thread and chat.
I've done a few GAAs, and it's a pretty careful balance. The more requirements you set / tasks, as a general rule you get less participation. There are exceptions, though. For now I've stopped hosting my own GAs and have just been throwing my extra keys at Zeo (Steam) or moon (GOG) to incorporate in the community GAs. But I do think it's great that there are other GAs besides those 2. We need more, I'm just a little disillusioned at the lack of enthusiasm when I've hosted them. So I feel ya.
_Slaugh_ runs a mystery game a few times a year where the game itself draws more interest than the prize - but he also puts a ton of work into it. ZFR and a few others run puzzle games that can be amazingly complex to solve, and usually only I'd say 4-8 people actually work out the solution and maybe 15 try.
That just doesn't work as well for a GA where you're trying to move a number of games.
Personally I quite liked the design of this one - teasing out the prizes in batches provided a reason to keep coming back to check. Even though I wasn't really planning to enter (and yet managed to win one, somehow) it was still fun to see each group of games revealed.
On that note, I did finish Anomaly 2 (made a post about it in the 'Games finished in 2016 thread), and after a slow start, it was really a fun, impressive 'tower offense' game. So thanks! Lots of extra +1s for keeping this going.
thanks for your insight on this and for the ending of this GA well so far ive been only dashing out my spare humblebundle keys, still got a load of bundlestars, indiegala and groupees keys that need new homes so aslong as i have keys and theres interest this will keep running :)