Onox: Hi,
What is the recommended size for the avatars on the forum ? 49 × 49 pixels ? This what is see when inspecting the images, but is it better to resize them ourselves and not have them resized automatically ? I wish the images weren't so small
And are PNG images supposed to be working ? I tried uploading one but the transparent parts would not be displayed properly, and it was very blurry. (The forum still shows my old avatar.)
As has been mentioned, PNG images work - but transparency don't, neither in PNG nor GIF (nor does animation, for that matter). Why? The forum software will convert your image to JPEG, and create multiple versions of it - take Titanium for example:
"Full-size" (as far as I know, but Titanium claims differently in the post above) JPEG:
336x377 "Full-size" (Again...) PNG:
336x377 (do note the colour saturation difference between the PNG and JPG)
Image displayed as forum avatars:
49x49 Images in chat and forum quotes, among other things:
40x40 (displayed as 16x16 for quotes, and with a round border for chat and hover menu)
Image used in thread listing:
17x17 EDIT: There was also a 16x16 long ago, before GOG changed the system and replaced that size with a 17x17. If you change the avatar today, the 16x16 won't be made for you, a 17x17 will be used in the forum listing instead, the 16x16 is only created used if you changed avatar long ago. GOG made a change to serve images from images.gog.com rather than www.gog.com, and everyone who haven't changed their avatar before that change will have a 16x16.
Take me, for example, I have a
, an "old" [url=https://www.gog.com/upload/avatars/2009/08/b40914c06351a6125b70a62aa9505b800a6727e2_t.jpg]49x49, as well as the
original-sized JPEG (which was also 49x49, though the original uploaded image was a PNG), but since the change, GOG have added the
new original-sized PNG,
new original-sized JPEG, 49x49 "forum avatar"
and [url=https://images.gog.com/867f7c9b030c5535825039970bd2b997e7a2696a56af8319d548366868fa95aa_forum_avatar.png]PNG, 40x40 "avatar medium"/avm
and [url=https://images.gog.com/867f7c9b030c5535825039970bd2b997e7a2696a56af8319d548366868fa95aa_avm.png]PNG, and 17x17 "avatar small"/avs
and [url=https://images.gog.com/867f7c9b030c5535825039970bd2b997e7a2696a56af8319d548366868fa95aa_avs.png]PNG.
If you check those, you'll notice that the images for the old system and new system have wildly different URL's, which is why I don't know of how to get Titanium's 16x16.
PHEW! Fuck doing that again.