Posted June 12, 2021
I have a hand tremor (it's called essential tremor). It means I'm often frustrated by poor mouse dexterity.
I recently began playing Legend of Grimrock, and I'm enjoying it. However, one of the key game mechanics is being able to dodge (using the keyboard) and rapidly attack (using the mouse). The attack consists of right-clicking a specific part of the interface, then moving the mouse pointer to a slightly different part of the interface and right-clicking again. This is difficult for me, even more so when I'm excited.
My solution is to write a small Autohotkey script that when triggered (by middle mouse click), does these two clicks for me. Here is the dead simple code:
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
MButton:: ;In respons to a middle mouse click
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos ;store the current mouse position
MouseClick, right, 1536, 844 ;move the mouse to and right-click the first attack
sleep 200 ;wait 200 milliseconds
MouseClick, right, 1758, 844 ;move the mouse to and right-click the second attack
sleep 200 ;wait 200 milliseconds
MouseMove, xpos, ypos ;return the mouse pointer to its original position
It works just fine.
I don't think it's cheating, more like making my mouse control similar to someone without a tremor.
My question to the forum: Do you think it's cheating?
I recently began playing Legend of Grimrock, and I'm enjoying it. However, one of the key game mechanics is being able to dodge (using the keyboard) and rapidly attack (using the mouse). The attack consists of right-clicking a specific part of the interface, then moving the mouse pointer to a slightly different part of the interface and right-clicking again. This is difficult for me, even more so when I'm excited.
My solution is to write a small Autohotkey script that when triggered (by middle mouse click), does these two clicks for me. Here is the dead simple code:
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
MButton:: ;In respons to a middle mouse click
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos ;store the current mouse position
MouseClick, right, 1536, 844 ;move the mouse to and right-click the first attack
sleep 200 ;wait 200 milliseconds
MouseClick, right, 1758, 844 ;move the mouse to and right-click the second attack
sleep 200 ;wait 200 milliseconds
MouseMove, xpos, ypos ;return the mouse pointer to its original position
It works just fine.
I don't think it's cheating, more like making my mouse control similar to someone without a tremor.
My question to the forum: Do you think it's cheating?