zwem: Well, there is something that I do NOT like with CCG is that there is always disgusting "monsters" (can even not call this monster) out of "deepuglynesscity" that kids love AND girl without any clothes to match with the teen community.
So I would like to find one which would be way more "soft" (I don't know how name it)
I checked these, but I'm still not sure, I would really appreciate if someone could help me:
It PERFECTLY match with the kind that I search BUT it seems not "deep enough" (tacticly), and he is not available (I would certainly try if it was).
It could also fit, I like its style but it's also not available AND it seems focus on steam (so there is no way).
Age of rivals:
It also could be AMAZING but again it's only on steam.
Kard WW2:
It seems GREAT but unfortunently I'm not in a WW2 mood.
Magic Nations:
Even if there is some ugly monsters its style make me like it but the battle don't seems very deep.
Well, it's ok I like it BUT I don't understand that the "troops" durings battle look so awfull. Except this I could try.
So here it's complicate, it should be perfect for me but again only steam or amazon, so NO.
Magic Arena: You certainly know very well this last, but I'm really not sure that it will be as "soft" as I like.
Please don't quote the GOG OFFICIAL CCG, If I didn't talk about it it's because it don't match.
So anyone is welcome to help me to what I'm looking for.
most card games are just copy pasted although there is pokemon tcg and mtg the only other one i heard of is Arcanium that is coming to steam but there is also the site version. the problem is not a lot of people play games that are not on site because no one has really heard of them unless you play the card game,
so ya even me i never heard any of those games but for Arcanium. i wouldn't say there is any soft, it's either monsters or girls with less clothing. you basically only get 2 options
Arundir: Honestly, I would stay away from digital CCGs, the model of a CCG itself is a monetary black hole. If one decides to go for one I would only go for physical ones as you get a physical product and can sell the cards if you want to.
I do not know if there are any digital games which follow that model. FFG was/is quite successful with it, they released Android Netrunner, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, a Warhammer game and recently Arkham Horror - The card game.
I think there is a digital implementation of the Lord of the RIngs card game by FFG on Steam, but I do not know what their monetarization model is.
ya there isn't many, best place would be to go to card shops and look around also the person said no steam which limits it greatly