Timboli: I'd probably just use tags, and skip based on that, but then I'm not doing that kind of automation with gogcli.exe.
I automate a lot, but mix in some manual aspects, to have closer control. In fact I've done some huge changes to how Updates are dealt with, by my GUI. Me, the perennial record keeper of lists. LOL
Are you retired by any chance? :-)
I used to tweak my own fork of gogrepo and had plans for improvements in this and other regards.
But I had to accept that it wasn't the right prioritisation of my spare time, so I just use Kalanyr's version now (or cherry-picked his required fixes - can't recall which it is), and haven't even kept up with whatever enhancements beyond the basics he might have included.
Now, what little time I have for hobby coding focuses on game development. Both because it's fun and relaxing, and because I'm then in a better position to support my son's attempts in that direction.
I've coded for a living for over three decades, but game dev is a new area for me.
timppu: I hide all my owned games from my wife. If she knew I've blown over 16000€ on GOG games over the years, she would murder me, and then divorce me. Not the other way around.
Looking at your profile, I see 2675 games. Mine says 562 games, including the 143 hidden entries (which were all freebies), but looking at my order history I think it adds up to just under €1200.
€16000? That's ... impressive. Are you sure its in that ballpark?