sasuke12: It really annoys me when boomer generation males like Donald Trump put the blame on video games for all the world problems.
Last I checked, video games did not cause World War 1 or 2, Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Cold War or any other millions of wars fought by humans before the invention of video games.
No video games are not the modern opium.
Before Trump it was others, bible thumping christians saying heavy metal was bad, that D&D was of the devil, that Mortal Kombat would encourage violence death and destruction, and of this and that blah blah.
Video games are their own problem in a way. I've heard before people buying hundreds of dollars in games, when they should have been paying rent; Ignoring newborn babies instead to play games, and of course with gambling involved there's the addiction in lootbox/gambling mechanics.
Could games start wars? i doubt it. Though game can start crime waves if everyone is buying games and not paying for anything, and then there's no money so they start stealing because they were stupid with time/money management, sure there's that.
But video games are a very different and new addiction type. If there's a choice between addicted to an MMO and pouring money into lootboxes or drinking or doing heavy drugs, i wouldn't say any of them are better than the other except the MMO one you're high on dopamine and not an external substance. Beyond that you don't get anything out of it in the end. If the games are ones you can sell later or own and actually show off that's a little bit better.
Many people will always want an escape because stress problems or terrible circumstances. That won't change.