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micktiegs_8: Honestly, some of the shit that's posted here lately just screams at any sane person to slap sense into the OP.
I'm personally waiting until someone posts a thread about the Black Knight satellite...
micktiegs_8: Honestly, some of the shit that's posted here lately just screams at any sane person to slap sense into the OP.
rampancy: I'm personally waiting until someone posts a thread about the Black Knight satellite...
The Black Knight always triumphs!
DaCostaBR: I guess it kind of intersects with religion a bit.

I had a classmate in college who was really into Yoga, and Reiki and that type of spiritual stuff. Everyday he would come in and talk to anyone who would listen about the latest book he read about Atlantis. He'd say: "Yes, Atlantis existed 12.000 years ago, every citizen was ultra enlightened,made entirely of energy, and could live forever, but then there was a war (don't remember the specifics) and that's why it sinked. That's why I meditate everyday, I hope to one day reach the atlanteans level and gain all their powers."

Even though one day he would read and spout one thing, and the next something entirely contradictory, he still never showed any sign of self-awareness.
Whaat? That's hilarious. Does he still believe in that? Weird connection with meditation and secret Atlantis powers though.
high rated
TwoHandedSword: At the risk of ruining the joke, skeletonbow was mocking both tinfoil hats and conspiracy theorists, by claiming that tinfoil is no longer made out of tin, but aluminum instead. (Which is true; lighter, cheaper aluminum replaced tin after WWII, but the name stuck. Kind of like how irons are no longer made out of actual iron, or cops ["coppers"] no longer wear copper badges.) He's pretending that there's a either a tin Illuminati of some sort, or that he's a victim of the Mandela effect.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
skeletonbow: A joke? That's what you want them to believe! Now we know! You work for the tin industry!
Not the tin industry. In fact, he's affiliated with their ancient enemy, the aluminati.
skeletonbow: You work for the tin industry!
Maighstir: Not the tin industry. In fact, he's affiliated with their ancient enemy, the aluminati.
low rated
It's a lot like legends, where something fantastical can contain a seed of truth to it.

Regardless, over the years as more and more is being obviously trying to be covered up forces an equal or stronger force to uncover the truth.

They don't call it Ludicrous Scientific Theory. Scientific analysis has a process where you throw dozens of questions at a problem and then test them to see what actually turns out to be true. Most less credible conspiracies get debunked (alien mind control perhaps?), but the ones that are coming back and won't go away aren't getting the scientific answers needed or dis-proven, instead they are trying to be ignored rather than challenged.

Then what is publicly shamed as conspiracies are turning out to be true; This makes you question how much else was lied/covered up and previously debunked theories are brought back and rechecked. New information and facts can heavily change the result.

As for the question for the thread. No they aren't attracted. It's just spilling over. If the media were honest and truthful, this wouldn't be happening.
Maighstir: Not the tin industry. In fact, he's affiliated with their ancient enemy, the aluminatin.
Maighstir: Not the tin industry. In fact, he's affiliated with their ancient enemy, the aluminati.
Bwahahahahaa! Damn, that was good. LOL
You know, it's not as if I didn't understand the conspiracy theorists. They live in a much more interesting world, one in which large scale conspiracies are feasible, in which governments by dozens of angles try to euthanize their citizens (and make their teeth explode) and in which Hillary Clinton evidently is a robot remote controlled and/or sedated by the afro-american population.

On the other hand, when Donald Trump bribes an attorney general to keep the IRS' nose out of his university, and he's basically being "Yeah I did that, so what?" about it, that's not in any way a fantastic conspiracy theory, that's just sincerely uninteresting blatantly obvious stuff, so that story stays under the nutter radar.

I've been reading Thomas Grüter's book on the subject quite some years ago when those conspiracies and the people who believe in them still intrigued me. At the core of most theories lies the conspiracy faith, which is inalterable. It's usually a certain group or people that are supposedly up to no good. The fantastic "why" or "how" rest is thrown at this basis completely regardless of actual credibility. If one of those angles gets debunked, you try another, while the underlying, yes, quasi-religious faith remains the same.

This has zero to do with the scientific process, which works precisely the other way round!

The few dozen theories brought up in that conspiracy nutter thread haven't just been "debunked", they've been nuked to smithereens. And still the core of it, the faith that those Democrats are plotting the downfall of the US, stays intact 100%.
skeletonbow: A joke? That's what you want them to believe! Now we know! You work for the tin industry!
Maighstir: Not the tin industry. In fact, he's affiliated with their ancient enemy, the aluminati.
the tin riders ?
Vainamoinen: This has zero to do with the scientific process, which works precisely the other way round!
In my experience the "logic" these people follow comes down to "the abscence of proof proves that proof was destroyed by the conspirators, so the lack of proof proves that the conspiracy exists!"
Post edited September 13, 2016 by Breja
Breja: In my experience the "logic" these people follow comes down to "the abscence of proof proves that proof was destroyed by the conspirators, so the lack of proof proves that the conspiracy exists!"
Oh, the logical fallacies go way beyond the Appeal to Ignorance. :)
low rated
Vainamoinen: This has zero to do with the scientific process, which works precisely the other way round!
Breja: In my experience the "logic" these people follow comes down to "the absence of proof proves that proof was destroyed by the conspirators, so the lack of proof proves that the conspiracy exists!"
Absence of proof. How about totally blocking investigations towards the truth? Certainly there's no proof if/when we can't investigate.

But what do I know.
Vainamoinen: You know, it's not as if I didn't understand the conspiracy theorists. They live in a much more interesting world, one in which large scale conspiracies are feasible, in which governments by dozens of angles try to euthanize their citizens (and make their teeth explode) and in which Hillary Clinton evidently is a robot remote controlled and/or sedated by the afro-american population.
I'm pretty sure most people who revel in sharing exciting conspiracy theories online would never even have the patience to read All The President's Men.

They want simple, clear, exciting and easy answers to complex problems. They don't want to analyse why and how things are the way they are, they want to hear it's all the fault of some evil Syndicate that meets in a shadowy room to plot and scheme. I know this well, because in Poland such thinking is very wide spread - hundreds of years under foregin rule and resistance conditioned people to think of everything bad that happens as the result of some evil, alien power plotting to destroy us.

rtcvb32: But what do I know.
Not much, as you've repeatedly proven.
Post edited September 13, 2016 by Breja
rtcvb32: But what do I know.
As long as Breitbart and infowars remain your sources, evidently, zip.

International, large scale, independent investigation into e.g. fluoride have happened. They all yield the same basic results, that's why we started to give our children fluoride in the first place. If you wish to ignore those studies just because Dr. Chekov is your go-to guy and has a much better conspiracy angle for you, uhm, please leave the rest of the world out of it. You go with the info that best suits your conspiracy faith, regardless of source.

As to such thrilling investigations into made-up mysteries like "who's the black guy who puts his hand on Hillary's shoulder and is he giving her sedatives", sorry, I have to stop here because milk is coming out of my nose.

(Yes, this was actually one of 32's angles in the conspiracy nutter thread)
Post edited September 13, 2016 by Vainamoinen