micktiegs_8: Honestly, some of the shit that's posted here lately just screams at any sane person to slap sense into the OP.
Here's my working theory:
Most of the people who spend a lot of time on gaming forums tend to be some combination of unemployed, depressed, disabled, alcoholic, mentally disturbed, and overeducated. And then tend to spend hours every day on the same group of forums just looking for someone to interact with.
Why do I think this? Exhibit A: myself. I have some chronic health issues that go in and out of remission. I can track the time I spend on forums with the times I am in worst health, and in the most pain. At those times I tend to post more and be more stubborn, grumpy, short with people, and will dig my heels in and get insulting. Exibit B: the amount of people on all the gaming forums I visit that talk frankly about their unemployment, drunkeness, mental health problems, etc.
So, basically, you don't have the whole wide world of different types of people on the forum. You have a very narrow slice of humanity, usually not feeling their very best.
do I think everyone on the forum fits those descriptions? No, of course not. But I would put the percentage at least at 50%. no kidding. half of us on here at any time are probably doing pretty poorly.
That's a recipe for drawn out arguing, quick-draw internet research, insults, and one-upmanship. It also makes this place ripe for trolls, because who is easier to bait than a mentally unstable drunk unemployed person who has been up all night?
God bless us, every one.