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micktiegs_8: I should consult a cat before making any rash decisions? What a great idea!
Grargar: Trust me fam. A cat is more trustworthy than all those silly voices in your head telling you to take that pill. They don't know what they are talking about.
cats do
they manufacture the pills
micktiegs_8: In any case... I'm bloody half drunk and bored.
Watch out my dear Micktiegs !!! I've vaguely read on a blog somewhere that the Australian governement adds some chemicals into alcoholic beverages so besides of making people drunk they also lower people's will to revolt against the system with those secret added chemicals. Your post is just a symptom of your denial of the reality but I feel that deep inside you, you know the truth and soon you will realise that you were blind all those years and you will accept our cause because it's the right one. Peace.

PS: Don't forget to buy my DVD about the hidden conspiracy of the kangaroos who are in fact our true masters. It's only 250$US and at this price it's a bargain for this movie that will enlighten you for the rest of your life.
Emob78: 3 - Due to being constantly around so many crazy people for so long, I feel that I may too have become infected with the virus and am no longer safe.
That's what they want you to believe.
Grargar: Trust me fam. A cat is more trustworthy than all those silly voices in your head telling you to take that pill. They don't know what they are talking about.
snowkatt: cats do
they manufacture the pills
cat.jpg (75 Kb)
snowkatt: cats do
they manufacture the pills
Remember me to never annoy your cat.
Emob78: 3 - Due to being constantly around so many crazy people for so long, I feel that I may too have become infected with the virus and am no longer safe.
Barefoot_Monkey: That's what they want you to believe.
Inappropriate pronoun. 'They' now prefer to be called XEM.

They Live? Now called XEM LIVE. Sounds more like a function for an XBOX controller.
snowkatt: cats do
they manufacture the pills
micktiegs_8: ...
In any case... I'm bloody half drunk and bored. Hit me with your best shot with relevant (or non) discussion on the ongoing hilarity of tinfoil theorists and such.
Personally, I think that there are agents of the tin industry who have permeated all aspects of society and been involved in deep underground subliminal marketing campaigns for many many years now, both planting the seeds to get people to call aluminum foil "tin foil" and being successful at doing so. I can't prove this, but I see evidence all around me all of the time, and yet whenever I go to the grocery store, Walmart or anywhere else to shop for tin foil it is never anywhere to be found. All I can ever find is aluminum foil.

I'm not even sure if tin foil ever even existed at this point. I've never seen it in my life anyway, all I've ever seen is aluminum foil, and yet the conspiracy going on in the tin industry still remains successful to this day on convincing everyone to call it "tin foil".

I can't prove any of this mind you, I only have anecdotal evidence that it is occurring, but I feel strongly about it that a day will come when the entire conspiracy is blown open wide!

On a separate note, I am somewhat drawn to GOG although for reasons unrelated to metals used in the preparation or storage of foods, however having admitted to my conspiracy theory above I suppose that makes me a "tin foil theorist" so if i were to be used as a case in point for your own theory, I wouldn't confirm it, but I couldn't deny it either.

Mark my words though, they're trying to take our aluminum foil away from us. You can all believe what you wish about it of course, but I have to trust my gut on this one.

I hope I haven't said too much. I should go now.
micktiegs_8: ...
In any case... I'm bloody half drunk and bored. Hit me with your best shot with relevant (or non) discussion on the ongoing hilarity of tinfoil theorists and such.
skeletonbow: Personally, I think that there are agents of the tin industry who have permeated all aspects of society and been involved in deep underground subliminal marketing campaigns for many many years now, both planting the seeds to get people to call aluminum foil "tin foil" and being successful at doing so. I can't prove this, but I see evidence all around me all of the time, and yet whenever I go to the grocery store, Walmart or anywhere else to shop for tin foil it is never anywhere to be found. All I can ever find is aluminum foil.

I'm not even sure if tin foil ever even existed at this point. I've never seen it in my life anyway, all I've ever seen is aluminum foil, and yet the conspiracy going on in the tin industry still remains successful to this day on convincing everyone to call it "tin foil".

I can't prove any of this mind you, I only have anecdotal evidence that it is occurring, but I feel strongly about it that a day will come when the entire conspiracy is blown open wide!

On a separate note, I am somewhat drawn to GOG although for reasons unrelated to metals used in the preparation or storage of foods, however having admitted to my conspiracy theory above I suppose that makes me a "tin foil theorist" so if i were to be used as a case in point for your own theory, I wouldn't confirm it, but I couldn't deny it either.

Mark my words though, they're trying to take our aluminum foil away from us. You can all believe what you wish about it of course, but I have to trust my gut on this one.

I hope I haven't said too much. I should go now.
For one moment pretend that I don't know anything about chemistry, metallurgy, or physics, and just tell me what the hell is going on here.
I have seen gog pop up on /pol/ a few times due to the site name, as many religious conspiracy theorists see it as a NWO training forum or something, most fuck off when they see its a game retailer but some insist that is a cover, I could share some of what THEY have said about GOG but only if you want too.

edit proof read again you dumb fuck.
Post edited September 12, 2016 by Lord_Kane
Lord_Kane: I have seen gog pop up on /pol/ a few times due to the site name, as many religious conspiracy theorists see it as a NWO training forum or something, most fuck off when they see its a game retailer but some insist that is a cover, I could share some of what I have said about GOG but only if you want too.
Please do. I'm curious now :)
Emob78: For one moment pretend that I don't know anything about chemistry, metallurgy, or physics, and just tell me what the hell is going on here.
I can't... not just now anyway... I gotta go, they're watching!
Lord_Kane: I have seen gog pop up on /pol/ a few times due to the site name, as many religious conspiracy theorists see it as a NWO training forum or something, most fuck off when they see its a game retailer but some insist that is a cover, I could share some of what I have said about GOG but only if you want too.
the hell does nwo stand for ?

..and now im waiting for tinyP to post a picture of hollywood hulk hogan
Oh, one of those threads!
*grabs popcorn*
Lord_Kane: I have seen gog pop up on /pol/ a few times due to the site name, as many religious conspiracy theorists see it as a NWO training forum or something, most fuck off when they see its a game retailer but some insist that is a cover, I could share some of what I have said about GOG but only if you want too.
Barefoot_Monkey: Please do. I'm curious now :)
1. GOG installers contain brain programming subliminal hacks (proof was that the installer for a game was a bit bigger then his original CD install)

2. After ironically reading that one thread Dalthnock posted about the transgender bathroom rights issue, they claimed that most seemed to be "left wing socialists" so therefore it was a left wing site that just happens to sell reprogrammed games.

3. GOG games are mostly foreign IE not American or western games therefore they have a anti west stance therefore left wing. (we all know this is complete bullshit)

4. Western games (the few they claim are here) are heavily censored from the original editions eg: Doom is censored (its not, the versions here are from the Id Anthology as the TNT.wad has the yellow key fix) (fun fact the versions of Doom and Doom II have changed content in the BFG Edition, but those changes were only made in response to the red cross lawsuits and to make the game available in Germany [doom II])

5. Poland, due to the fact that CD Project owns GOG and is based in Poland, therefore its Jewish and therefore part of the jewish/illuminati/nwo/whathaveyou conspiracies.

6. they changed it from good old games to gog because gog is closer to 666, look do I really have to explain this one?

7. gog is one the nations in apocalyptic prophecy in both Islam and some branches of Judaism and Christianity.

8. Judas, yes our ever awesome judas is sign alone of this sites evil intentions, why else would someone name themselves after the man who betrayed christ blah blah.

thats all I can remember off the top of my head.

edit: added BFG edition note, PROOF READ LK DAMN IT
Post edited September 12, 2016 by Lord_Kane