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tinyE: Think I'll go watch the football game. XD
zeogold: What's the point? It's all controlled by the people in power anyways. The results are stacked. Free will and choice are an illusion. The Illuminati control our every move., could you do me a favor and call one of these people in power and check who's going to win? I need to get me some money riding on 'em.
Hey, your rep is in the black again... I take it you found your troll and assassinated them? Did you use that clickity boggity virus that everyone's been talking about? The one where you can tie it to the script relating to the downvote button on GOGs cookie server whatchamacallit, then receive a detailed log on where exactly those clicks come from?
How do we know you're not Illuminati?
JFK was actually shot by Governor Connally because JFK kept kicking the back of his seat.
TARFU: Take a look at this and let's hear your thoughts on the matter.
I've seen too many documentaries on this stuff. I just recently saw one about the whole FIFA scandal. I may have been mocking conspiracy theories in general, but I DO know that some pretty messed-up stuff really happens.
I won't go too in-depth on my thoughts since that would kind of go against the whole point of this thread, irritating the OP and others, but the way I look at it, if you really want to get ahead in this world, get a business degree and be prepared to sell your soul.
Breja: Right now I'm living through the nightmare of conspiracy theory nutjobs ruling the country and rewriting recent history,
zeogold: How so? I mean, I've never heard of such a thing happening before.
The very short version (I don't want to make this another topic of a flamewar)- in 2010 our president and many other high ranking officials died in a plane crash in Russia. Since then or official investigations ruled it to be an accident, but it gave rise to many conspiracy theories, most popular about there being a bomb on the plane, placed by Russian agents working together with the then-polish government (the governemnt was then in the hands of a rival party). This is the version of events that was ever since propagated by the party led by the dead president's twin brother, and now that they won the election last year it is being made the official narrative in national media. A few weeks ago a movie telling a story of a fictional journalist discovering the conspiracy to blow up the plane premiered, with the current president (who als has offical patronate over the movie) and government officials attending the premiere, recommending school children to be taken to see it by the teachers. Etc. etc.

tinyE: Think I'll go watch the football game. XD
zeogold: What's the point? It's all controlled by the people in power anyways. The results are stacked. Free will and choice are an illusion. The Illuminati control our every move.
Here's how it's done.
Post edited September 23, 2016 by Breja
micktiegs_8: Hey, your rep is in the black again... I take it you found your troll and assassinated them? Did you use that clickity boggity virus that everyone's been talking about? The one where you can tie it to the script relating to the downvote button on GOGs cookie server whatchamacallit, then receive a detailed log on where exactly those clicks come from?
I've gone back to being, as Bookwyrm once nicknamed me, "Yo-Yo". It goes up from my giveaway (and in a minor amount due to various jokes and just posting in general) and then down a regular 6-12 a day depending on how bored NES and his pals get.
micktiegs_8: How do we know you're not Illuminati?
You don't.

Besides, the Illuminati are a bunch of small fries compared to us, Puzzle, Inc.
We see all.
We know all.
We are eternal.
Post edited September 23, 2016 by zeogold
zeogold: I haven't heard about this script/virus thing...
No it's not real sorry. I was just making stuff up on the fly for light hearted interaction :)
I haven't had a chat with anyone that doesn't end up in an argument for a while, so that was my attempt at... well... that.
zeogold: I haven't heard about this script/virus thing...
micktiegs_8: No it's not real sorry. I was just making stuff up on the fly for light hearted interaction :)
I haven't had a chat with anyone that doesn't end up in an argument for a while, so that was my attempt at... well... that.
I just realized that a minute or two ago, but you responded before I edited my post.
Breja: The very short version (I don't want to make this another topic of a flamewar)- in 2010 our president and many other high ranking officials died in a plane crash in Russia. Since then or official investigations ruled it to be an accident, but it gave rise to many conspiracy theories, most popular about there being a bomb on the plane, placed by Russian agents working together with the then-polish government (the governemnt was then in the hands of a rival party). This is the version of events that was ever since propagated by the party led by the dead president's twin brother, and now that they won the election last year it is being made the official narrative in national media. A few weeks ago a movie telling a story of a fictional journalist discovering the conspiracy to blow up the plane premiered, with the current president (who als has offical patronate over the movie) and government officials attending the premiere, recommending school children to be taken to see it by the teachers. Etc. etc.
Criminy. That sounds like a mess. Guess you guys just aren't like us Americans.
What? No, I don't mean things like that don't happen here. I just mean we're better at covering it up.

Seriously though, what the heck? Recommending school kids be taken to see a movie just because it's some sort of government thing being pushed at the time?
That's some WWII-era-Germany-level crap right there.
Post edited September 23, 2016 by zeogold
zeogold: Seriously though, what the heck? Recommending school kids be taken to see a movie just because it's some sort of government thing being pushed at the time?
That's some WWII-era-Germany-level crap right there.
The level of propaganda these people are capable of defies any reason. During a NATO summit in Poland earlier this year there was an exhibition about the history of Poland in NATO. Guess what? There were no materials that would include politicians of the "wrong" camps, including the people that actually brought Poland into NATO, including country leaders and Jan Nowak Jeziorański, WWII hero and later security advisor to Reagan and Carter. History is lterally being rewritten in front ou our eyes here.
Post edited September 23, 2016 by Breja
low rated
Emachine9643: How the hell do I argue in a constructive way with a person that believes in this stuff? I just stay quiet for the most part but then my friend starts with 9/11 crap and it all devolves with me yelling to investigate 3/11 and trying to make a mockery out of the whole thing......
So what do you believe is truth, and what isn't? Have you watched the same videos/footage/explanation that lays everything out? Or are you simply saying it's impossible because you say it's impossible?

Personally, WAY too much doesn't add up. And things are becoming even more clear as more documents and leaks are coming out.
Breja: History is literally being rewritten in front of our eyes here.

Or was it already white-washed?
Post edited September 23, 2016 by rtcvb32
Breja: History is literally being rewritten in front of our eyes here.
rtcvb32: Rewritten?

Or was it already white-washed?
What is that even supposed to mean? Go fuck yourself with a red hot poker.
low rated
rtcvb32: Rewritten?

Or was it already white-washed?
Breja: What is that even supposed to mean? Go fuck yourself with a red hot poker.
Such a nice little girl,this Breja.
low rated
Breja: What is that even supposed to mean?
It means, not everything recorded is the truth.

In biblical times, the winners of wars would often remove all mentions of any and all failures, so according to their own history they were always victorious, while other cultures made note of their failures (unless they were conquered)

I'll have to refer to Reddit now, because back in 2014/2015 they added to their yearly messages and public notes that they had never gotten requests from the FBI or gag orders to that point. Then suspiciously the next year they did. As businesses are required to follow the orders but also the gag orders not to mention they were ever forced to give out private information. So, did the FBI demand information? Or did they just forget to mention they never got FBI orders for information?

There's far more white-washing and lying to the public today than I'd care to know. The news currently say that in NC Charlotte there's 'peaceful protesters' while there's footage of newscasters and innocent people getting attacked, attempted to be thrown in fires, and looting of cash registers from businesses.

So who is writing history here? Or rather, do you trust who is telling you what is going on?
low rated
Breja: What is that even supposed to mean?
rtcvb32: It means, not everything recorded is the truth.

In biblical times, the winners of wars would often remove all mentions of any and all failures, so according to their own history they were always victorious, while other cultures made note of their failures (unless they were conquered)

I'll have to refer to Reddit now, because back in 2014/2015 they added to their yearly messages and public notes that they had never gotten requests from the FBI or gag orders to that point. Then suspiciously the next year they did. As businesses are required to follow the orders but also the gag orders not to mention they were ever forced to give out private information. So, did the FBI demand information? Or did they just forget to mention they never got FBI orders for information?

There's far more white-washing and lying to the public today than I'd care to know. The news currently say that in NC Charlotte there's 'peaceful protesters' while there's footage of newscasters and innocent people getting attacked, attempted to be thrown in fires, and looting of cash registers from businesses.

So who is writing history here? Or rather, do you trust who is telling you what is going on?
The fool has gone offline to cry:)
high rated
rtcvb32: do you trust who is telling you what is going on?
Do you?

Because conspiracy theorists say you shouldn't trust the media, but they trust any media that agrees with their beliefs. Or in other cases, anything from someone who they've already determined to be on their side, people like Alex Jones. How is that any better? How many shocking facts, that you hold to be real, there are that your only evidence for is "Alex Jones said it's true in his show once"? How many of the opposing arguments have you listened to? And I mean actually listened directly from the people who believe it, and not arguments you learned from dismissive rants from the people on your side?

What most conspiracy theorists basically do is this:
rtcvb32: So what do you believe is truth, and what isn't? Have you watched the same videos/footage/explanation that lays everything out? Or are you simply saying it's impossible because you say it's impossible?
Hmmm. Vice Versa.

I try to be respectful by being quiet and letting my friend just talk about whatever they want even if I suspect they might be trying to entice me into a debate. Look I go into it with an open mind and do acknowledge that not just this government has done shady stuff. But when your telling me that some how the US government has secretly installed explosives in the towers, coordinated 4 plane attacks, created false passenger lists with dummy or real bodies, had plants installed at certain locations to capture footage to be shown and sometimes hint that this is some weird sacrifice to their illumanti gods/laws to bring forth some stuff or other. Then I start looking at you weird. And less I forget on how many people would be involved and somehow, SOMEHOW making sure they don't talk.

I'm not trying to prove them wrong. Just enough already. Think of it logically. I could even give you JFK (which I don't believe in that conspiracy) because so much was going on at the times and the location.