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I've got 1Gb down and up internet package and checked my internet and it seems to be working perfectly fine. I noticed last night that GoG downloads are A LOT slower than usual. It says Bioshock 2 Remastered files (directly from the site, not Galaxy) is going to take TEN HOURS to download. This is painfully slow, so slow that I almost want to cancel it because I wanna hop in some multiplayer games in a few minutes.
Nope, getting full speed here. Actually it's the best speeds I've seen; normally offline installer downloads through Galaxy max out my internet speeds and downloading using a browser is much slower, however today they're the same.
DoomTra1n: <slow download snip>.
It's not across the board, but it does depend on which particular CDN server you're connected to, and your geolocation. Sometime around that big server crash this year GOG changed its provider (to Fastly). Ever since, some people have found their download speeds tank severely because whichever server they got routed through for whatever reason isn't giving the speeds we once got with GOG.

It might also be your ISP involved too (it may not just be the CDN per se), but the fact of the matter is since GOG changed its provider, quite a few people have had issues.
Post edited November 29, 2023 by Braggadar
Nomal speeds here, just downloading one of the Bioshock 2 Remastered files with the Edge browser, getting around 24 MBytes/sec download speed.

So it is possibly a regional thing (again).
Still getting the lousy speed of 4mb per second instead of 24 mb per second since the summer floods and teh cdn issues.
Braggadar: It's not across the board, but it does depend on which particular CDN server you're connected to, and your geolocation. Sometime around that big server crash this year GOG changed its provider (to Fastly). Ever since, some people have found their download speeds tank severely because whichever server they got routed through for whatever reason isn't giving the speeds we once got with GOG.

It might also be your ISP involved too (it may not just be the CDN per se), but the fact of the matter is since GOG changed its provider, quite a few people have had issues.
Yep, since that issue and change I have been getting woeful download speeds, on average 204 Kilobytes a second, where I used to get almost 5 megabytes a second. Been that way for months now. Last tested last night.

My only way around this is to use Free Download Manager 5, with multiple streams per file. That gets me the usual download speed I used to get from GOG.

I only download the Offline Installers and don't use Galaxy.

Due to this download speed issue, my love of and interest in GOG has been waning. I've purchased less in the last few months, especially of games with large files. I'm not fond of having to click every single link either, which I need to do with FDM5, especially onerous if a game has lots of files to download, and especially because I also download MAC and Linux versions.

This is the second time this has happened to me with GOG, and it took many months to get fixed last time. So I am rather fed up. Why I am having to download from somewhere like New York, when it should be somewhere in South East Asia, I don't know.
DoomTra1n: I've got 1Gb down and up internet package and checked my internet and it seems to be working perfectly fine. I noticed last night that GoG downloads are A LOT slower than usual. It says Bioshock 2 Remastered files (directly from the site, not Galaxy) is going to take TEN HOURS to download. This is painfully slow, so slow that I almost want to cancel it because I wanna hop in some multiplayer games in a few minutes.
It happens to me from time to time, in my case it seems to be related to YouTube, as soon as I close YouTube my download speed increases. You can try that.
timppu: Nomal speeds here, just downloading one of the Bioshock 2 Remastered files with the Edge browser, getting around 24 MBytes/sec download speed.

So it is possibly a regional thing (again).
Oh, is there a regional problem at the moment? I'm Pacific Northwest, directly on the coast in Canada. About 2-3 months ago, it would only take a few minutes to get my games (directly from GoG site, don't want another Launcher / Client) and now it's taking forever.
DoomTra1n: Oh, is there a regional problem at the moment?
I guess. The download speed complaints seem to come mostly from US and Australia folks, as far as I can tell. I rarely see e.g. people in northern or western Europe complaining about the download speeds.

No idea how widespread this problem is in Australia and America, e.g. is it common there to get poor GOG download speeds, or is there lots of variance.
Timboli: I only download the Offline Installers and don't use Galaxy.
Just use Galaxy for downloading offline installers. That way you don't have to click every file for large downloads.
DoomTra1n: (directly from GoG site, don't want another Launcher / Client)
JUST USE GALAXY FOR DOWNLOADING OFFLINE INSTALLERS. It's not hard. You don't have to use it as a client, just as a downloader.

Anyway my fast GOG browser download speed didn't last, back to ~10MB/s today, whereas Galaxy downloading gets 3-4X that. The only downside is the extra steps involved in launching Galaxy and getting to the offline installer downloads, so for smaller games I stick to web browser downloads.
Post edited November 29, 2023 by eric5h5
timppu: No idea how widespread this problem is in Australia and America, e.g. is it common there to get poor GOG download speeds, or is there lots of variance.
It was very stable and reliable for me here in Australia (rarely a problem) until this year, and around the time GOG's servers went down (when GOG got a new provider). I can't speak for all Aussies as, well, not a lot of us are here, and less still want to bother with this forum.

eric5h5: Just use Galaxy for downloading offline installers.
I'd sooner chew broken glass than install that POS on my machine. And "just use Galaxy" isn't the thing anyone should be pushing for any reason, unless you crave GOG weakening its DRM stance even more in time.
Post edited November 30, 2023 by Braggadar
Braggadar: I'd sooner chew broken glass than install that POS on my machine. And "just use Galaxy" isn't the thing anyone should be pushing for any reason, unless you crave GOG weakening its DRM stance even more in time.
Sure would be nice if you actually read what I said. Don't just turn your brain off when you see the word "Galaxy." USE GALAXY FOR DOWNLOADING OFFLINE INSTALLERS. This has absolutely nothing to do with DRM, it's not Steam, you're not required to use it as a client. You know those offline installers you can download from the website? Well, you can download the exact same files with Galaxy too. Advantages are: 1) faster downloading, 2) if downloading large Windows games, you don't need to download a bunch of separate files (you still get a bunch of separate files in the end), 3) more reliable, can pause/resume downloads without issues, since GOG broke long web downloads sometime last year I think. Also you don't need the latest version of Galaxy, you can download older, somewhat less crappy versions and they work fine.

I mean, you can ignore that and just continue fruitlessly complaining about web downloads. But if you're not a masochist, there is solution to GOG download issues right now, you don't have to wait (endlessly) for GOG to fix anything, it's not 100% ideal but it works fine and doesn't involve DRM. After all Galaxy is essentially just an embedded web browser that happens to have a downloader that works well for offline installers.
eric5h5: JUST USE GALAXY FOR DOWNLOADING OFFLINE INSTALLERS. It's not hard. You don't have to use it as a client, just as a downloader.
In case one does their downloading in Windows, I'd propose trying the same, in case web browser downloads seem awfully slow.

Having said that, there are those like me who quite often download (even Windows installers) on non-Windows machines, e.g. Linux. I quite often do that on my energy-efficient Raspberry Pi4 which uses so little electricity that I don't mind keeping it turned on for several days. Especially if I am mass-downloading several games and updates from the last 6 months. Downloading to a NTFS-formatted USB hard drive from which I later install either to my Windows PCs, or my Linux PCs (using WINE).

Luckily for me, web browser or especially gogrepo downloads seem quite speedy, even if I recall I got even faster speeds with Galaxy. I think the last time I got a combined 30-40 MBytes/sec when downloading several games at the same time with gogrepoc, using 3 download threads.

Generally, I have to say that as long as I get something like 10 MBytes/sec download speed, I am fine. Sure I have to wait longer then, but I guess I can do something else in the meantime, and it is not like I am sitting on the PC staring at the downloads all the time "how many minutes and seconds still?". If it is a mass-download with e.g. gogrepo, then I just let it do its thing over night, and check in the morning whether the downloads are finished already.
Post edited November 30, 2023 by timppu
eric5h5: Sure would be nice if you actually read what I said.
I did read it. And GOG's direction is to eventually phase out browser downloads. Once that happens, then you're stuck with Galaxy: the software which was always touted as optional but is progressively being turned into essential. GOG knows when you're using Galaxy, and its popularity impacts on future decisions regarding the games they offer and what form they take.

In other words, I choose to download my files the way in which I still WANT them available in the future. Being forced onto Galaxy because the speed is shite via browser is basically giving in and accepting what's happening is fine.

Choosing to use Galaxy, a resource-hungry application which has no business imo on a store promoting DRM freedom only to download offline installers is a stupid idea.

And no, it's not masochistic to have to click to download files one at a time. It's a matter of patience.
Braggadar: I did read it. And GOG's direction is to eventually phase out browser downloads.
That would be a pity if it happened, but I am not sure why GOG would want to do that, unless they want to phase out offline installers altogether, also from Galaxy. Also that would mean they'd make it impossible to download Linux-versions in Linux, unless they finally created a Linux version of Galaxy.

It sure is nice to have the option to use a generic web browser for downloads because it gives more options how and when to download, like last summer I did download a couple of GOG game installers to my phone's memory (and later copied them from the phone to my laptop) because I happened to find a semi-speedy free WiFi in one hospital where I had to wait several hours anyway, and didn't have my laptop with me.

Then again, even if web browser downloads perished, the silver lining is that apparently it is possible to make third-party tools to download also using the Galaxy API? I seem to recall that e.g. lgogdownloader currently uses the Galaxy API for downloading the installers, while gogrepo still uses the web browser downloads I guess. Of course, you can't use a web browser for downloads then, but at least you are not completely locked into Galaxy, but may be able to use some third-party download tools that better suit your situation (e.g. lgogdownloader works in Linux).
Post edited November 30, 2023 by timppu