Firebrand9: In the case of Stephen King however, whose writing style is banal, campy, hacky, mid-west-America-style, I like the movies based on his books far more in nearly all cases.
I've read only two steven king books, and enjoy only one movie... The books are FireStarter, and The Dead Zone. The movie was the Shawshank Redemption. All good, but i can't say it's the same vise-versa mostly based on date. FireStarter as the movie was rather bad in my opinion, The Dead Zone as a series on TV wasn't bad but lost interest something like 4 seasons in. Shawshank Redemption was a really short story that was heavily expanded on during filming.
And rarely are films vs books 1:1. The Lord of the Rings movies tend to hold more detail regarding elvish language looks and sounds, while cutting out huge chunks of the books and skewing the story. If memory serves me right Frodo didn't go off on his expedition for something like 70 years.
Then minor issues like when actors die, making further movies in a series/sequels either they write in crap or ignore that it changed and hope no one else noticed either (
The Oracle from The Matrix comes to mind).