It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Tallima: I would add one more: Able to download without client? GOG has won out a few times for me b/c I couldn't download a client b/c I only had access to the Internet via a public computer.
JMich: GOG Installers covers that part, though I think you could use SteamCMD from a public computers (or any computer you don't have administrator access) as well.
lazydog: Perhaps I could gift you this game and you could pass it on?
JMich: No problem, just telling you that I won't be keeping the game but giving it away. I'd suggest waiting to see what mechmouse will post first though :)
An honourable response, will wait...
te_lanus: And GOG users don't consider Galaxy as Multiplayer DRM,
By that standards I'm playing Battlefield 1 without DRM right now :-) GOG should seriously look at what distinguishes themselves from other stores.
Lucumo: Yep, but apparently there are a lot of people that don't regard that as DRM, even here (which doesn't make any sense from my point of view, as the client directly controls and limits the distribution of the software).
javihyuga: So, for you, what's the difference between registering in Steam and use it to download a DRM Free game, so you can package it and play everywhere, and registering in GOG and use the web to download an already packaged game and play anywhere?
Maybe you should read the post you quoted to answer your question...or the post I replied to.

PS: You don't even need to use the web to download games from GOG.
fishbaits: Aaaaaaaaaaand I'm fairly sure they're just trolling now.
neurasthenya: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"
Ignorance and stupidity are the two things that enable those high up to abuse on others.
See the amount of crap politicians say everyday. They don't work for us.
Post edited November 27, 2016 by Lostinablock
Lucumo: Yep, but apparently there are a lot of people that don't regard that as DRM, even here (which doesn't make any sense from my point of view, as the client directly controls and limits the distribution of the software).
javihyuga: So, for you, what's the difference between registering in Steam and use it to download a DRM Free game, so you can package it and play everywhere, and registering in GOG and use the web to download an already packaged game and play anywhere?

If I'm allowed to chime in:
On GOG games are always DRM-free, it is the core principle and function of the GOG service to provide DRM-free games and movies.

On Steam it is a guessing game of how much DRM will be imposed on the buyer and even if it is supposedly DRM-free at a certain point in time, this could be changed either by the developer or Steam itself later.
When either of those change their minds about it for any reason, without a warning, there is not much you could do, given Steam tries to force updates on you. It's possible to keep access to your Steam games, I know that well enough, but it is a hassle and preparations are to be carried out all by yourself and don't necessarily work in the end.

Because DRM-free on Steam isn't advertised as such on a games' store page, it is hardly something users can require the developer to implement or maintain, even if DRM was introduced to their dismay.
Pointing to a user compiled list of DRM-free games on Steam is hardly enough to convince a court or Steam itself, they wouldn't suddenly require the developer to remove its DRM or issue refunds for those folks, who only bought the game in good faith they would be able to enjoy it without internet, on a plane, on holidays or someday in the future, when validation servers aren't available anymore.

Also you have to use the Steam client to download and patch games. If I were to go to the library and use their internet connection to download a game, I wouldn't be allowed to install Steam there and it wouldn't help me much, anyway. Because it is on their PC then and not mine, except I brought a laptop.
What I always can do is visit, login, download the installer and/or patch files to a USB drive I brought with me and install the games any time I want at my own PC at home, sitting there without an internet connection.
Downloading through Steam requires you to have more access to the machine you want to download to, GOG just asks for an internet browser plus connection.

Simply put, both services have a different view on the environment people play games in:
Steam expects you to have a permanent, fast and stable internet connection and that you don't want to manage updates and stuff on your own, furthermore it assumes you are fine with that when you're installing the client or buying a game.
Even if Steam offers a selection of DRM-free titles right now, there is no way to tell it will remain this way in the future, even if you are willing to make sure they work later on and to back them up by yourself.

GOG knows that its userbase does not need, like or wants DRM, a large portion of them refuses to accept DRM in any way, shape or form.
Also, it built its name on selling old games in the past, this almost exclusively. They have to think of people with no permanent internet connection, maybe older laptops, who do not play more modern games. Be it because of habit, principle, required hardware or knowledge, not least financial concerns. GOGs clients want to access their games anytime, anywhere and thus expect them to work off the bat, because installing a patch or browsing online for a solution isn't always possible for them. (Maybe because the patch didn't arrive here at all... *cough* *cough*)
Because of these criteria it is surely more inclined to provide DRM-free installers against all odds, given it is the main selling point for most of its customers, it also provides means to its users to access their bought content.

I think it is great for developers to include DRM-free builds on Steam, too, I really do.
But they should be more vocal about it, promote this on the store page(Steam should add a specific category). As it is right know, it appears to me that it could have always been a mere oversight to not activate DRM on a game. Not mentioning "DRM-free" lets me question the intention of the developers and tarnishes their liability in case I run into problems later. Seems like a bet to me, anytime I think about it.

I'm fine myself with DRM-free builds on Steam, even if I don't trust them that much, depending on the game I'm even fine with Steam itself. Still, I trust GOG a lot more with handling DRM-free.
Given that many games took their time to arrive on here, I've learned to patiently wait a while until either they do, a developer made clear they never intend to offer this or I lose interest in the game altogether, myself.

Kudos to you, brave soul, who's read all the way down here.
Thanks you didn't tune out through that gibberish.




“Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.”
André Gide(1869-1951), French author

Edited 12 minutes later:
Added the "browsing for solution" part. Removed "ahem", because I wasn't sure if that's known in English this way.
Added "Heyho" 2 times, added quote by Gide, because it's my signature normally, but GOG doesn't offer those.
Edited again, because when you change an entire sentence you'd better read it afterwards, just in case.
Edited 30 minutes later: Changed formatting.
In case this helps somebody: If you want to write in italic and it stops working, the line you changed is too long/expands over multiple rows. Set smaller parts on italic, one line after another, then it shows as intended.
Post edited November 27, 2016 by Midoryu
Breja: BREAKING NEWS: And idiot on Steam forum! Details at eleven!

And now we go back to our special report on possible fatal results of total blood loss. Over to you, Tom. Tom? Tom?!
Also featuring our report on how Water is wet!

In all seriousness, this person is probably a steam fanboy and refuses to accept that any other platform may be better or even any good features of said platforms. There are some people here that are guilty of this too.
Post edited November 27, 2016 by sherringon456
I made an image for funsies, but it's not a flow chart. My goal was to show how ridiculously complicated Steam makes it. I just went through probably 10 threads on Steam and Reddit trying to find some answers. And I found none. So I have some "May or may nots" going on.

I for one HATE when I have to do 30 minutes of research to figure out the technical parts of playing my game. I like to install and run.

For the most part, Steam hasn't been a problem for me. But a few times in my life, I haven't had Internet. And only GOG games were available to be played*. I also have children and don't want them connected willy-nilly. So I have GOG games on their non-connected laptop.

* I should mention that some people told me if I did some things correctly and went to offline mode, that it would have worked. I swear I put it on offline mode and still didn't get anything to work. But perhaps I had games with other DRM schemes. Who knows?
steamvgog.jpg (143 Kb)
Post edited November 27, 2016 by Tallima
Tallima: I for one HATE when I have to do 30 minutes of research to figure out the technical parts of playing my game. I like to install and run.
Interestingly enough, that's why some people wanted GOG to create a client, so that they wouldn't have to mess about with files (especially the multipart installers have given people trouble when they don't realise that they just need to run the executable, and perhaps some arbitrary application they happen to have installed is set as the default application for files ending in .bin but just gives an error when trying to open GOG's installer files).

Also, you may be missing a step, depending on which GOG process you're referring to. I assume your image refers to direct downloads through a browser rather than Galaxy, due to the phrasing of "Install over the web". I would replace that line with:
- Download the installation files (making sure you get all of them, it may be one or multiple, depending on the game)
- Find the downloaded files, figure out which one is the executable, and run that one
Post edited November 27, 2016 by Maighstir
JMich: I personally only count execution control as DRM, but I am weird like that.
Smannesman: Weirdo.
Weird but smart :P
@fishbait: look what you started! *points at steam forum, points at gog forum*

stop trolling! :) <3

Aaaaand steam is better than gog, so deal with it you drm-obsessed savages, get with the times. accept your lord and master, denuvo. *flees ;)*
Crewdroog: @fishbait: look what you started! *points at steam forum, points at gog forum*

stop trolling! :) <3

Aaaaand steam is better than gog, so deal with it you drm-obsessed savages, get with the times. accept your lord and master, denuvo. *flees ;)*
Hmm, perhaps the Browns have denuvo. That'd explain the nine points ;)

Crewdroog: @fishbait: look what you started! *points at steam forum, points at gog forum*

stop trolling! :) <3

Aaaaand steam is better than gog, so deal with it you drm-obsessed savages, get with the times. accept your lord and master, denuvo. *flees ;)*
fishbaits: Hmm, perhaps the Browns have denuvo. That'd explain the nine points ;)

that explains this whole fucking year. god my team sucks.

and denuvo explains your face! OH BURN!!!!!! oh no I didn't!
fishbaits: Hmm, perhaps the Browns have denuvo. That'd explain the nine points ;)

Crewdroog: that explains this whole fucking year. god my team sucks.

and denuvo explains your face! OH BURN!!!!!! oh no I didn't!
Now you know why I never reveal faces in avatars.
I don't have one.
Only because it was burnt off, not because I'd ever think of supporting Browns & daren't show face ;)
Oh my, the fanboys are still at it.

It's also on Steam and most likely won't have any DRM, if that's what cd project has drilled into your mind to be concerned about, just like 99% of indie games.
These guys must be hopeless.

fishbaits: They were insinuating that the only reason I wanted it on GOG was to pirate it or similar.
These guys ARE hopeless. Better not to give their game any look from now on if they want to be condescending as hell towards a future potential customer. I doubt that drilling into their head how GOG is right now would help any matters.

Plus isn't that ironic. One moment they say GOG is for old games, and the other they say its for piracy. Since GOG is for old games which are commonly not known for piracy today, how is it that GOG will spread piracy of its new game? Argh, my head is better off without thinking about it.
No, it wasn't the devs fault. Sorry!
Post edited November 27, 2016 by PookaMustard
Crewdroog: that explains this whole fucking year. god my team sucks.

and denuvo explains your face! OH BURN!!!!!! oh no I didn't!
fishbaits: Now you know why I never reveal faces in avatars.
I don't have one.

Only because it was burnt off, not because I'd ever think of supporting Browns & daren't show face ;)
*in valley girl voice* OMG, that is SOOOO deep.
Post edited November 27, 2016 by Crewdroog