rgnrk: Ok, I know there's this
new trend of considering Steam to not have drm or not be drm.
Bottom line, yes, Steam is very much a drm gaming platform.
The problem is that people often talk past each other - and even intentionally, in order to promote one platform or the other, instead of just looking at the facts. For example, the poster in the Steam thread, regardless of how ignorant they may come across, did not say that Steam is not DRM. The OP put that in the thread title as if it was a quote but it's a strawman (and it doesn't really make sense either).
Yes, Steam does offer publishers the option to put their own DRM on games. Yes, the method of downloading and installing that Steam uses is restricted and client-controlled without alternative, therefor DRM. No, the Steam client itself is not necessarily DRM, just as Galaxy is not DRM. No, the store is not DRM, just as GOG is not DRM. Yes, Steam is a gaming platform / store that supports DRM and doesn't really care about customers interested in DRM-free offers. No, not every game on Steam has DRM on it. But yes, a majority does and for those that don't you are dependent on the community if you want to find out which is which. I can totally understand if someone is opposed to Steam for these reasons, but that doesn't automatically invalidate everything neutral or positive that is said about Steam as bullshit.
Whoops, my bad, sorry. In that case, I guess we actually agree.