sunshinecorp: But I understand what you're saying. I don't understand why you're saying it. When you first replied to me, it was about "absolute hot" (which is ONE theory, not THE ONE theory about maximum achievable hotness -- the Planck temperature. You coming back with negative zero K, which I guess to put it to scale is like counting to infinite, as the maximum ACHIEVABLE hotness makes you practically wrong.
To answer that implicit question, I have to answer one you didn't ask first. I need to know if you know about the textbook viridical paradox,
Hilbert's Paradox of the Grand Hotel. I need to know if you know about that because it informs my discussion of infinities.
Typical "absolute hot" scales are based on things like molecular movement at relativistic speeds. Since you didn't even give me one source in this whole exchange, I'll assume that's what you mean. Because there's an upper limit, you have a countable infinite. This is an important concept.
Breaching into negative temperature takes you outside the realm of your countable infinites. The Grand Hotel no longer applies (though it's a beautiful paradox and I wish it did) because you're playing with a different infinity. So when you say "You coming back with negative zero K, which I guess to put it to scale is like counting to infinite, as the maximum ACHIEVABLE hotness makes you practically wrong." you're missing the point. I'm not counting to infinity. You claimed that absolute hot was as hot as things get, but that's just not the case. Absolute hot - if it's verifiable - is as hot as things can get before they get so hot they can't be measured by the same set of rules any more.
You said absolute hot is the hottest possible temperature. That is wrong, tautologically wrong. I've given you references (and I've checked their sources for you to make sure they're reasonable) to show you why.
That's why I'm saying it. Because you said (A is true) but in fact A is only true in special bounded cases. You think it's nitpicking. Go ask a thermo instructor why it isn't.
Breja: You put cat's in boxes and make quantum computers from that or something...