Anothername: 1.) f*c*ing idiot lawyers. "Oh lookie boss, we killed another one off which would have boosted sales of our old stuff without costing us a penny! *drool*"
2.) I still stay by it that it will be released around the same time as Star Trek Excalibur. :P
Everybody hates lawyers.......until they need one.
Alexim: Noooooo!
Disney can't handle video games, ever since EA acquires the exclusive Star Wars license we had only two mediocre video games, awkward.
I think Disney overeacted, and I dislike EA as much as anybody, but Disney owns the IP and not much you can do about that.
And, to be honest, LUcasarts was pretty much dead for the last few years of when Lucas owned the company.
Quality of the games post 2007 was pretty low at Lucasarts.
Fans have the delusion they somehow "Own" the product they are fans of. In most cases, they don;t.