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muntdefems: How can you two be so sure? The OP registered on August, so depending on the exact registration date, he/she has had enough time to reach a 40-something rep. And unless this forum gets a proper search tool, you cannot be sure about anybody's forum participation. I've got a (legitimate) 67 rep and still no posts can be found by doronnorod prior to this thread via google.

I am not questioning the legitimacy of your rep, but do you think mine is an accurate representation of my activity on the forum? I don't put any stock in rep because it is a broken easily abused system. Forum activity on the other hand is the criteria for me to determine whether its a genuine user or an alt account. Search engines don't show all posts but they certainly provide sufficient info about a particular user's forum participation.

stg83: You answered the question yourself, 12 posts of yours can be found via Google and few more with other search engines. While no posts can be found by doronnorod prior to this thread via google.
I can see two in the link you gave. 8)

Anyway, my rep is 67 but my total post count could be easily over 200. So, with a little elemental math:
12 / 200 = 0.06 → 6% of my posts can be found via Google.

As per the OP:
2 / 40 = 0.05 → 5% of his/hers can be found via Google.

To me, that's not enough evidence of any felony.
muntdefems: I can see two in the link you gave. 8)

Anyway, my rep is 67 but my total post count could be easily over 200. So, with a little elemental math:
12 / 200 = 0.06 → 6% of my posts can be found via Google.

As per the OP:
2 / 40 = 0.05 → 5% of his/hers can be found via Google.

To me, that's not enough evidence of any felony.
Like I said no post prior to this thread, 2 posts after this thread appeared which to me shows zero forum activity to warrant 43 rep, also you're obviously unaware of the context as this is not the first account with significantly increasing rep and mine is not the only one with decreasing rep since I had more then 350 rep a few months ago.

I haven't made any accusation of any felony, just that the account is an alt based on the prior experience with similar high rep proven alt accounts. I am not asking you or anyone else to believe it but I am not the only one that is skeptical about the OP as others have also inquired about the rep increase without any forum activity to show for it. So instead of continuing in circles since you aren't aware of the alt epidemic on this forum we shall agree to disagree. :)
stg83: Like I said no post prior to this thread, 2 posts after this thread appeared which to me shows zero forum activity to warrant 43 rep
I'm sorry, you were right. I didn't check when those post were made. :S

stg83: I haven't made any accusation of any felony, just that the account is an alt based on the prior experience with similar high rep proven alt accounts. I am not asking you or anyone else to believe it but I am not the only one that is skeptical about the OP as others have also inquired about the rep increase without any forum activity to show for it. So instead of continuing in circles since you aren't aware of the alt epidemic on this forum we shall agree to disagree. :)
No, no, I'm quite well aware of nes and all the alts/scammers hysteria (in fact I could've sworn you had positive rep just days ago). I agree that some accounts are very suspicious to say the least, and I'm certain most of the accusations are probably legitimate. But I'm also positive most of them don't have any conclusive supporting evidence either.

It's not that different to a witch's hunt, really. And no matter how many true scammers are uncovered, to me if a single innocent user is injustly accused and gets stigmatized, that's already one too many.
Post edited September 29, 2015 by muntdefems
muntdefems: I can see two in the link you gave. 8)

Anyway, my rep is 67 but my total post count could be easily over 200. So, with a little elemental math:
12 / 200 = 0.06 → 6% of my posts can be found via Google.

As per the OP:
2 / 40 = 0.05 → 5% of his/hers can be found via Google.

To me, that's not enough evidence of any felony.
stg83: Like I said no post prior to this thread, 2 posts after this thread appeared which to me shows zero forum activity to warrant 43 rep, also you're obviously unaware of the context as this is not the first account with significantly increasing rep and mine is not the only one with decreasing rep since I had more then 350 rep a few months ago.

I haven't made any accusation of any felony, just that the account is an alt based on the prior experience with similar high rep proven alt accounts. I am not asking you or anyone else to believe it but I am not the only one that is skeptical about the OP as others have also inquired about the rep increase without any forum activity to show for it. So instead of continuing in circles since you aren't aware of the alt epidemic on this forum we shall agree to disagree. :)
*scammer's brain* Check. I need to be a lot more civil and have normal conversations to get my alt to be liked. Then I can take games!!!

... or you could just be civil and have normal conversations.
muntdefems: No, no, I'm quite well aware of nes and all the alts/scammers hysteria (in fact I could've sworn you had positive rep just days ago). I agree that some accounts are very suspicious to say the least, and I'm certain most of the accusations are probably legitimate. But I'm also positive most of them don't have any conclusive supporting evidence either.

It's not that different to a witch's hunt, really. And no matter how many true scammers are uncovered, to me if a single innocent user is injustly accused and gets stigmatized, that's already one too many.
I am not a proponent of witch hunts but I agree to an extent with you that there is a very fine line between this becoming a witch hunt and hence the reason I tend to be extra careful when pointing these suspicious accounts out and don't make it a habit to do so in a lot of threads like apehater. Though its either the contextual evidence that requires putting more then 2 and 2 together or nothing at all, the limited resources that GOG provides with lack of a proper forum search and no way to check a user's full post history makes it hard to find any kind of proof that would conclusively satisfy each and everyone with no dispute.

I just provide information with enough evidence that IMO is sufficient in the known scammers thread when pointing out particular user accounts. I certainly don't dictate anyone to follow it blindly and just offer them some context while leaving the decision up to them on how to process it. People that find that info useful do appreciate it and those that don't can safely ignore it.
Tallima: *scammer's brain* Check. I need to be a lot more civil and have normal conversations to get my alt to be liked. Then I can take games!!!

... or you could just be civil and have normal conversations.
Indeed, it is really amusing the amount of energy they expend to make alts appear legitimate when they only need to exert half of that effort on just being a decent contributing member of the community. :)
Post edited September 29, 2015 by stg83
stg83: but I am not the only one that is skeptical about the OP
Especially since OP immediately played the "You shouldn't call someone a scammer without proof" card - a concept that "our buddy" seemed to love after he realized that it has the potential to split the community (and bring even more chaos). And then there's the similar style (two breaks after every phrase, telling people what they have to do, rep-talk, etc.) plus the love for apehater... I don't need his name on any scammer list to know who he is xP
high rated
So according to hedwards it's the fault of people doing giveaways that the forum has gone down the crapper.
Because of ungenerous gifting (is that an oxymoron?) and daring to have rules in our contests.

I would just like to apologise for being part of the problem.
Post edited September 29, 2015 by Fairfox
It's extraordinary easy to not have low rep on this forum. Be part of the conversation. Don't just ask for games. Giveaway the odd game. Stay away from certain threads (open this, the ninja thread etc.). You don't even have to be nice, just look at tinyE! :)

If you have low rep, and all you do is ask for games, you're never going to have high rep.

Doc0075: So according to hedwards it's the fault of people doing giveaways that the forum has gone down the crapper.
Because of ungenerous gifting (is that an oxymoron?) and daring to have rules in our contests.

I would just like to apologise for being part of the problem.
And lately, you've been a big part of that gifting problem!! And I thank you for that.
Doc0075: So according to hedwards it's the fault of people doing giveaways that the forum has gone down the crapper.
Because of ungenerous gifting (is that an oxymoron?) and daring to have rules in our contests.

I would just like to apologise for being part of the problem.
Apology accepted.

Got any good codes? :P
Doc0075: So according to hedwards it's the fault of people doing giveaways that the forum has gone down the crapper.
Because of ungenerous gifting (is that an oxymoron?) and daring to have rules in our contests.

I would just like to apologise for being part of the problem.
tinyE: Apology accepted.

Got any good codes? :P
There is a tons of codes here

It's nearing 800 post with no end in sight.
Dear OP, I (as many people here) don't know you, then
doronnorod: Last I checked, a lot of giveaways here have no rules/conditions and are free for all. So a lot of people enter.

Anything wrong with that ?
PaterAlf: Btw, care to explain how you got a rep of 40 without any visible forum activity?
Emachine9643: hmmm.... 43 rep... only posted in 2 threads.... aug 2015...... both of those threads were giveaways..... Apehater called you out.....

Huh! Oh, don't mind me. I'm just lurking=))))
and that make you highly suspicious. Not to mention you seem to have a great knowledge of how things work and what happens around here.
The first thing which comes to mind is that you are an impersonator, and in reality you are one of the nutcase plaguing the place.
Please bear in mind that's not an accusation, I am just stating what is in most people mind.
The point is : if you are a legit new member, just participate in the forums, giveaways won't disappear before Soon™.
But as it is, I would be very (and happily) surprised to see posts from you in 1 month (other than giveaway participation ofc).
Post edited September 30, 2015 by Potzato
Fairfox: It's true that whether you give a game away to the first person who asks or you make it a giveaway, you're basically doing it for no return other than the feel-good factor. But regardless, personally speaking I'd like it to be for somebody that truly wants the game, not the sort of person that will collect and gather up as many games as possible through devious and deceptive means, never play them and just let them collect virtual dust. I don't feel good about that, or the hint/possibility of it.

Anyway, on a more general note, I don't like the words 'entitle', 'entitled' and 'entitlement' as I think, online, they've become some of the most overused for the last couple of years, abused over and over and applied wrongly, but I do think those that complain are too entitled. As per before, it's fine to feel a slight pang of disgruntlement to be excluded, but complaining about it publicly pushes it over the line to entitlement and sour grapes. Honestly, people should be on the forums to help others and DEVELOP INSANELY WITTY BANTER (capscapscaps) first and foremost.
I think it depends about what they're complaining.

Complaining about being excluded by rep when it's well established that people get downrepped for ridiculous reasons, is fair. If it were me, the rule would be X number of posts rather than X rep, just because posting, even bullshit, does require a certain amount of effort. And if somebody is posting excerpts from the collected works of Shakespeare, or something equally lazy, that's difficult to argue about.

And whether or not somebody is a scammer, having them excluded when they have the correct answer doesn't look good. Regardless of intent of the person running the giveaway.

Ultimately, either the folks running giveaways will find a way to adapt or the giveaways will go away. The status quo is just not sustainable and trying to catch people cheating is not realistic in many cases.
hummer010: It's extraordinary easy to not have low rep on this forum. Be part of the conversation. Don't just ask for games. Giveaway the odd game. Stay away from certain threads (open this, the ninja thread etc.). You don't even have to be nice, just look at tinyE! :)

If you have low rep, and all you do is ask for games, you're never going to have high rep.
It's extraordinarily easy to have low rep in this forum. Post something that's controversial, especially as a new thread and you can easily lose 30 or 40 rep points as people start piling on. And that's even without pissing somebody (and their army of alts) off. I find that if I post something that people take exception to I can lose rep from it for weeks, even pas the point where the thread isn't on my list of recently posted to threads.

There are some people here that bear grudges and have the emotional maturity of a toddler.

The easiest thing is to keep your head down, never disagree with anybody and you'll probably find you get that 1 rep per day and after the better part of a year you might even be allowed to join in the contests.

I don't personally think that's a healthy feature of the community here. It's dysfunction that should be addressed. But, I'm not even sure how to address it.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by hedwards
Frankly, I say to two biggest problems with the forums...
1) Old users going around telling everyone else how their threads and giveaways should run, what they should be doing and which threads they don't like...and doing so in every similar thread they can find....
2) Old users who go out of their way to intentionally derail threads and topics they dislike...
2a) Especially those of new users reasonably asking for help...downvoting and erasing all the "Add a friend" threads and generally being rude to any new user asking a Witcher 3 question. It's not like the game specific forum is that easy to find here. One could have politely directed the newbies to them without being jerks about it or attempting to derail every thread....

Blaming the gifters is just silly. And claiming there is no proof is well ignorant. Some scammers were exposed because they claimed the games all on one account. I remember one scammer who begged for a game claiming they had no money and it was the game they really wanted, were gifted it by a kind soul, and immediately posted and traded it in the trading thread for another game, then tried to calim his brother gave him another copy of the game... And the stories go on. The vast majority of people claimed to be scammers, there is at very a good indication its true, yet some people deny this...

But strangely, someone who doesn't gift feels it necessary to tell us how we cannot insist someone redeem the game on their own account, that once we give it, its theirs to do as they if....
And that trying to keep track of these scammers is completely useless, even though many times recently, people on these lists managed to scam for games, and these scams would have been prevented if people had checked the list first...