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Just want to ask some questions: Will it run on a mid range PC?
Is it a WoW clone or it makes some changes to the MMO formula?
How's the end game content?
Are the quests "20 bear asses" type or it tries to make them seem like a real adventure?
Is the XPAK worth the price?
Is the community a bunch of 10 year olds or is it somewhat mature?
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l0rdtr3k: Just want to ask some questions: Will it run on a mid range PC?
Is it a WoW clone or it makes some changes to the MMO formula?
How's the end game content?
Are the quests "20 bear asses" type or it tries to make them seem like a real adventure?
Is the XPAK worth the price?
Is the community a bunch of 10 year olds or is it somewhat mature?
Hello, I have only played the game a whole month and a few given free returning days on the occasion of big patches, but I can contribute a little answering your questions.

- Yes, the game was running flawless on my previous, mid-range computer (i3 2120, GTX560 Ti, 4 GB ram) at the medium settings, using 720p reolution
- The game is different from WoW in that the combat is more direct, giving it a "hack and slash" feel. It also is designed to be played with a gamepad and I found this to be THE big feature for a "new" MMO, the game reacts and plays excellently with a 360 pad set with proper shortcuts, but you can also use kb & mouse, naturally.
- No clue for the end-game content, I got the impression dungeons bosses are difficult with a strategy to be known, but that is like the current Wow, I assume.
- The game is more story driven than any of the few MMO I know, characters actually are believable somehow in the fact they do seem to stick around as in a fixed group... Quests are relatively interesting to advance the plot, there is a system with real time event "Aleas" to keep things fresh on every map, and daily quests to kill 10 this or gather 5 that, most welcome to level past the lv 40 where things slow down drastically. The highlights of FFXIV IMHO are the very capable, beautiful game engine, the many dungeons and specially the summons battles, impressive and challenging, big event group fights.
- The other big feature is you can switch classes / jobs as you wish and then build all up using only one character. At about lv 40 you get to obtain the upgrade to the job from the class.
- No idea about this pack value.
- The community was "okay" the month I have played on my French server,; just effective in the process of completing a dungeon and Aleas.

I recommend this game, it is not sold expensively with normally a free month of subscripion included, then the fee for one month for one character is very fairly priced, my experience with it was a lot of fun for a month.
Post edited November 23, 2015 by koima57
l0rdtr3k: Just want to ask some questions: Will it run on a mid range PC?
Is it a WoW clone or it makes some changes to the MMO formula?
How's the end game content?
Are the quests "20 bear asses" type or it tries to make them seem like a real adventure?
Is the XPAK worth the price?
Is the community a bunch of 10 year olds or is it somewhat mature?
We were playing it up until Fallout 4 came out and were having fun with it. Wouldn't call it a World of Warcraft clone necessarily, though there's a ton of questing involved if that's what you mean. Luckily it also has the GW2 style 'group' quests where something happens on the map and you can just join in on the event without having to actually group up with people to do it.

Endgame content I can't speak for.

Yes, there's a bunch of quests that ask you to kill x of these and x of that. Overall I've found the quests fairly nice though. The main quest seems pretty well done so far (up till level ~30) with one *big* caveat. It forces you to go through the group dungeons to continue the main quest line, and the main quest line unlocks more core features of the game the higher you get, so you do want to do it.

That said, you only need one succesful run through it and the Duty/group finder works quite well for finding groups, though you might be in a fairly lengthy queue if you are a DPS. Despite our aversion to doing groups/dungeons they've been fairly fun and they're actually starting to grow on us after we managed to push ourselves in to doing them.

Expansion pack I also can't say anything about. I wouldn't worry about it until endgame *unless* you want to play the one new race that comes with it.

The game has some nice features like being able to play *any* class on your main character, you can simply switch to another class by switching your main weapons, though you do have to level them up separately, That said, you don't need to repeat the main story line on your alt classes (on that same character), and you get 100% experience boost to any alt class you play on your character so that really helps levelling them up.

Because of that you are quite likely to only play 1 character so keep that in mind when creating it.

As for community. I've run into one bad apple during a dungeon run, the rest have seemed mature and helpful overall.

If you do happen to get into the game, here's some of our Recruit a Friend codes if you'd be willing to use one, which will give some ingame benefits if you end up subscribing (free month with game purchase doesn't count, you only need one RAF code)


How to use the code:
1. Log into "Mog Station"
2. Click "Manage Service Options"
3. Click "Enter Recruitment Code" before your first month payment.
Post edited November 23, 2015 by Pheace
l0rdtr3k: Just want to ask some questions: Will it run on a mid range PC?
Is it a WoW clone or it makes some changes to the MMO formula?
How's the end game content?
Are the quests "20 bear asses" type or it tries to make them seem like a real adventure?
Is the XPAK worth the price?
Is the community a bunch of 10 year olds or is it somewhat mature?
1. It will run on a mid-range PC. No worries there. The environments are beautiful but not terribly taxing, and post-proc can be disabled for extra frames if you need it.

2. It's not a WOW clone, because I don't like WOW and I enjoy FFXIV. You're not stuck with any one class, you pick one at the start and then can change later on and eventually do every job in the game if you feel like it. And different classes will have skills that can cross-class, so for example a Tank might also have some levels in Healing and will be able to cast minor heal spells and protection spells and whatnot.

3. The end-game content is...well, I'm not there yet. I've got a hundred hours or so in to it, I have the Heavensward expansion too, but I haven't reached that content yet. There are plenty of dungeons, raids and bosses to fight at the end though, with different drops for gear and things, and patch content updates are regular with new dungeons and things to do.

4. Some of the quests are good, some of the quests are bad. Many of the story quests are really just running errands and are terribly boring. However, many of the job quests are pretty interesting, but it's the dungeons and the FATEs that keep me entertained. Leveling in FFXIV is not a matter of killing X and getting Y, there are plenty of ways to go about it.

5. Like I said, I bought the XPAC already but haven't even gotten to that content yet after a hundred hours of gameplay. I can't say if it's worth the money but the base game definitely is.

6. The community is somewhat mature. I've had one spoiler in all my time and he was quickly vote-kicked.
I'm already downloading the free trial mostly to see if it'll run on my PC.
koima57: - The game is different from WoW in that the combat is more direct, giving it a "hack and slash" feel. It also is designed to be played with a gamepad and I found this to be THE big feature for a "new" MMO, the game reacts and plays excellently with a 360 pad set with proper shortcuts, but you can also use kb & mouse, naturally.
You gotta be kidding here.
Hack and slash?
It's staggeringly static, slow and boring. You start the combat, wait 2.5 seconds (yes , almost fricking 3 seconds! it's a global cooldown on all skills for all classes, can't go around that), choose a skill to cast and wait another 2.5 seconds, cast another skill , and so on.
I NEVER seen so boring gameplay in an MMO.

If combat has ANY meaning to you, l0rdtr3k, then stay away from this (unless this is what you want - fall asleep with face on your keyboard).

Also, this games has NO COLLISION DETECTION at all. You can run not only through other players, mobs, even world bosses, but also through most of the game world objects. It totally ruins immersion.

There are many better MMORPGs, many of them F2P. It's absolutely crazy to pay for a game like FFXIV where there are others that are cheaper and better.
I paid for 30 days, tried it for 3 and never came back.
inc09nito: You gotta be kidding here.
Hack and slash?
It's staggeringly static, slow and boring. You start the combat, wait 2.5 seconds (yes , almost fricking 3 seconds! it's a global cooldown on all skills for all classes, can't go around that), choose a skill to cast and wait another 2.5 seconds, cast another skill , and so on.
I NEVER seen so boring gameplay in an MMO.

If combat has ANY meaning to you, l0rdtr3k, then stay away from this (unless this is what you want - fall asleep with face on your keyboard).

Also, this games has NO COLLISION DETECTION at all. You can run not only through other players, mobs, even world bosses, but also through most of the game world objects. It totally ruins immersion.

There are many better MMORPGs, many of them F2P. It's absolutely crazy to pay for a game like FFXIV where there are others that are cheaper and better.
I paid for 30 days, tried it for 3 and never came back.
What would you recommend me,then?
And please,I want to stay away from anything that resembles the corpse that is WoW right now(got back to it and stayed for 2 weeks,it has long passed it's prime).
Also,I just made a trial account to see if the game will be good.
Post edited November 23, 2015 by l0rdtr3k
l0rdtr3k: What would you recommend me,then?
And please,I want to stay away from anything that resembles the corpse that is WoW right now(got back to it and stayed for 2 weeks,it has long passed it's prime).
Also,I just made a trial account to see if the game will be good.
I understand you want to try it out. I would do the same. You do not want to miss a huge adventure like MMOs are because of others opinion.

From what I played:

Best combat: TERA, Dragon's Prophet
Best world design: Guild Wars 2

Probably also The Elder Scrolls Online (buy to play) and Wildstar are better choices than FFXIV.

Also, if you are interested in a game without an open-world, based on running "dungeons" , in a spirit of Monster Hunter or Dark Souls, I can recommend Warframe. It is co-op online shooter, but something WAY more than Left 4 Dead or other games like that.
disclaimer: I am a legacy subscriber (aka I paid for 1.0 for 3 months and pay $9.99/month now for what would cost you $15. Also as legacy player I got 2.0 CE free because I had the CE 1.0 edition.) so my opinions may be a little clouded by that fact. The game is not a wow clone in the sense that it locks you into one class-it's like FFXI in that regard but it's also like FFXI in the fact in the expansion you can specalize in only 3 crafting classes. Mainly you can join a free company (think WOW's guilds) and also get innudated by RMT unless you pay $18 to transfer to a full server (I'm on Balmung in Sundown), setup /busy (people can't message and ready checks will come back with you saying no), or just blacklist them (blacklist will fill up quickly). I will second the voice that 1 month isn't enough time. As for if the expansion is worth it, it effectively adds 6 rather large zones, 9 dungeons (as of now), flight in most zones, 1 24-man raid, 1 8-man normal, 1 8-man savage on top of what is available in 2.x. You don't wanna fight? Just unlock every area for teleport and start crafting to make money? Just wanna mine all day? grab a pickax, go out, and start mining. You aren't locked to being a fighting class except for completing the main scenario and dungeons as well as most quests.
l0rdtr3k: What would you recommend me,then?
And please,I want to stay away from anything that resembles the corpse that is WoW right now(got back to it and stayed for 2 weeks,it has long passed it's prime).
Also,I just made a trial account to see if the game will be good.
inc09nito: I understand you want to try it out. I would do the same. You do not want to miss a huge adventure like MMOs are because of others opinion.

From what I played:

Best combat: TERA, Dragon's Prophet
Best world design: Guild Wars 2

Probably also The Elder Scrolls Online (buy to play) and Wildstar are better choices than FFXIV.

Also, if you are interested in a game without an open-world, based on running "dungeons" , in a spirit of Monster Hunter or Dark Souls, I can recommend Warframe. It is co-op online shooter, but something WAY more than Left 4 Dead or other games like that.
Warframe is só awesome but I want a world MMO that feels fresh,know what I mean? That's one of the seasons I want to try out FFXIV.
But I haven't played TERA and I made a f2p account on GW2 but my goldfish memory forgot the password.
Anyway,there's Path of Exile AKA The Real Diablo 3 which is pretty good.
koima57: - The game is different from WoW in that the combat is more direct, giving it a "hack and slash" feel. It also is designed to be played with a gamepad and I found this to be THE big feature for a "new" MMO, the game reacts and plays excellently with a 360 pad set with proper shortcuts, but you can also use kb & mouse, naturally.
inc09nito: You gotta be kidding here.
Hack and slash?
It's staggeringly static, slow and boring. You start the combat, wait 2.5 seconds (yes , almost fricking 3 seconds! it's a global cooldown on all skills for all classes, can't go around that), choose a skill to cast and wait another 2.5 seconds, cast another skill , and so on.
I NEVER seen so boring gameplay in an MMO.

If combat has ANY meaning to you, l0rdtr3k, then stay away from this (unless this is what you want - fall asleep with face on your keyboard).

Also, this games has NO COLLISION DETECTION at all. You can run not only through other players, mobs, even world bosses, but also through most of the game world objects. It totally ruins immersion.

There are many better MMORPGs, many of them F2P. It's absolutely crazy to pay for a game like FFXIV where there are others that are cheaper and better.
I paid for 30 days, tried it for 3 and never came back.
Not kidding, this was my honest experience in comparison to WoW system, by playing FF XIV with a gamepad. Opinions opinions.
koima57: Not kidding, this was my honest experience in comparison to WoW system, by playing FF XIV with a gamepad. Opinions opinions.
I prefer the combat system I'm seeing in TERA and FFXIV than WoW anyday.
Let's face it,hotkey based combat just got really old.
koima57: Not kidding, this was my honest experience in comparison to WoW system, by playing FF XIV with a gamepad. Opinions opinions.
l0rdtr3k: I prefer the combat system I'm seeing in TERA and FFXIV than WoW anyday.
Let's face it,hotkey based combat just got really old.
Yes, I come from a console background, grew up with pad controllers and it is exceptional to find this gameplay adapted to computer MMO design so effectively and nicely... More power to FF XIV for this.
Post edited November 23, 2015 by koima57
koima57: Yes, I come from a console background, grew up with pad controllers and it is exceptional to find this gameplay adapted to computer MMO design so effectively and nicely... More power to FF XIV for this.
Fortunetly,MMos kinda got passed trying to copy WoW and try their own things and I'm too from a console background(still prefer my 360 over my laptop).
Guild Wars 2 - unfortunately, no (official) gamepad support
TERA - awesome gamepad support (i played it for almost two years on Logitech Rumblepad,) aiming is a bit difficult at first, especially in pvp, but it rocks when doing combos and it gives so much faster reaction than on keyboard

And path of exile i played too. nice game, but no open world and way too laggy.