Crosmando: These games are pretty much the epitome of "exhausting slog". They are all overly long and become boring towards the end. They have poor map design, most fights basically boil down to large areas where the game throws hordes of enemies at the player repeatedly in gaunlet type affairs. The "secrets" are also poorly hidden, most don't even deserve to be called secrets.
By horde shooters I mean FPS games like Serious Sam, Painkiller, Hard Reset, Shadow Warrior (reboot) and others.
Sounds like your describing the new Doom 2016 game which is small amount of game play MASSIVE ARENA small amount of game play MASSIVE ARENA rinse and repeat OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
The worst things are the arena's are:
B.) You're locked into them until you kill everything there.
If I wanted to play an ARENA game I'd play either elderscrolls 1 or Quake III arena!
Crosmando: These games are pretty much the epitome of "exhausting slog". They are all overly long and become boring towards the end. They have poor map design, most fights basically boil down to large areas where the game throws hordes of enemies at the player repeatedly in gaunlet type affairs. The "secrets" are also poorly hidden, most don't even deserve to be called secrets.
By horde shooters I mean FPS games like Serious Sam, Painkiller, Hard Reset, Shadow Warrior (reboot) and others.
OldOldGamer: I specifically hate Shadow Warrior reboots.
I think they are overly terrible.
Yes the Shadow warrior reboots are woeful where IS the variety of enemies there is like 3 in the whole game, Where are the cool RC car to get the key type stuff!
GOG should really think of implementing D-fend reloaded and dosbox SVN DUAM into their dos games so we can choose the sound GFX cards we want to use!
The New version of DUAM is REALLY GOOD! [url=][/url]