DreamedArtist: The X670 chipset it being reserved for the final Ryzen series chip with DDR 5 support and maybe the included support of PCIE 5.0.
See, I tried to find info about X670 and everyone seems to be saying that it's not actually coming, and that the only reason we hear about it is because someone misprinted X670 somewhere. Supposedly we would've heard much more about it by now if it were actually coming. That's the impression I get, and honestly it makes sense. I mean 5000 series is right around the corner, and if board vendors had such boards, they would already start showing up on the stores' catalogs along with the CPUs. And it's not like the current chipsets are old, they started unveiling them last winter right? Less than a year ago.
I really doubt that there is X670 now. Maybe, a very big maybe, there's a Zen 3+ refresh and a new chipset in the coming year from now (since I assume it'll be at least 2 years before we see a new gen chip from AMD). There's already been X370, X470, X570, not to mention the cheaper B chipsets. One more would probably be excessive, given that we're already getting the final CPUs for AM4 socket..
Is there a specific CPU you will be binding with your new board purchase? Very curious
Still not 100% decided but I will probably get the 5900X. I'll probably also get a 5600X (and a board) for my little sister.