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Gede: BTW, I see some screens that provides USB connections and use USB as input. New cards seem to have that USB output, but if it is absent, can I just connect the screen to a regular USB port and use the screen as a USB hub (charging and data)?
Yes, no problem. That's how I use my screen.
SumofOne: CTD?
CymTyr: Crash to Desktop. I just had to refund The Suffering and Suffering: Ties that Bind because they kept crashing, and F.E.A.R. wouldn't let me move my mouse anywhere on screen. While not crashing, FEAR was annoying since it was still unplayable.
Which OS were you trying to play them on? I know that The Suffering games are modified on GOG so they no longer work on Windows XP. I also have the game in a box and that worked flawlessly on XP.
CymTyr: Crash to Desktop. I just had to refund The Suffering and Suffering: Ties that Bind because they kept crashing, and F.E.A.R. wouldn't let me move my mouse anywhere on screen. While not crashing, FEAR was annoying since it was still unplayable.
idbeholdME: Which OS were you trying to play them on? I know that The Suffering games are modified on GOG so they no longer work on Windows XP. I also have the game in a box and that worked flawlessly on XP.
Win 10, newest build. I tried a variety of settings, fullscreen, windowed, it just didn't want to play either of them.
idbeholdME: Which OS were you trying to play them on? I know that The Suffering games are modified on GOG so they no longer work on Windows XP. I also have the game in a box and that worked flawlessly on XP.
CymTyr: Win 10, newest build. I tried a variety of settings, fullscreen, windowed, it just didn't want to play either of them.
Could have also tried dgVoodoo or DxWnd.

But yeah, on my nVidia card, The Suffering games worked fine on Win 10 so seems like you were correct.
Post edited November 10, 2020 by idbeholdME
oh wow, i would not have guessed someone with your reading capacity to share an article..

cheers mate
clarry: I guess the brightwit above would never notice a 30% difference in perf.
Phasmid: Well yeah, someone who has managed to pair a B series board with a K series processor isn't going to make me lose any sleep considering their opinion. There's a pretty obvious reason for downplaying the effects of overclocking with that set up.

For RAM overclocking a bit below 10% is more typical, much above that requires extensive training, expensive RAM, an APU where the improvement compounds or all three.

The recommendation makes perfect sense anyway because it's 10% increase in performance for basically no increase in price- here it's actually cheaper at the moment to get 2x8 3200Mhz than 2133 (none unavailable) or 2400 Mhz- and for no increase in price you might as well get it even if you're on Intel Z series and the difference is only 2%.
well my whole experience with overclocking >> for gaming lead to the combination of a k cpu with this motherboard. It is actually to expensive just as the K chip is way to cooked up, might even grab a the 12900k at release for a combination with this board to see what happens

If your someone that feels that overclocking >> for gaming is not nothing but hilarious then my friend.... it is clear we think in separate dimensions
Post edited November 10, 2020 by Radiance1979
CymTyr: Win 10, newest build. I tried a variety of settings, fullscreen, windowed, it just didn't want to play either of them.
idbeholdME: Could have also tried dgVoodoo or DxWnd.

But yeah, on my nVidia card, The Suffering games worked fine on Win 10 so seems like you were correct.
Believe me, I wanted them to work. Was super sad they kept crashing. Didn't try DxWind but I have it installed.
btw, are there any news out yet, about zen4 on 5xx chipset am4 mobos compatibility?

also, looks like through bios mods zen3 will be working on 3xx chipset mobos
Post edited November 11, 2020 by apehater
Just finished building 5600X for my little sister. No benchmarks or anything but it went smoothly and looks to be running fine at least during initial testing.
clarry: Just finished building 5600X for my little sister. No benchmarks or anything but it went smoothly and looks to be running fine at least during initial testing.
Nice. Good to know. If anything pops up, let me know! :thumbsup:
apehater: btw, are there any news out yet, about zen4 on 5xx chipset am4 mobos compatibility?
The current, new, generation is supposed to be the last one for this socket. The plan is for Zen 4 to use DDR5 and thus need a new motherboard and socket. It is possible AMD will make a Zen 3+ before that in the style of the Zen+ (2000 series on desktop) but I have heard nothing about that.
Yeah the next generation is going to be on another socket, haven't heard about the possibility of a ZEN 3+ so it might depends on how intel product stack fares in 2021, I guess.

I hope we are will start to know more about the DDR5 RAM: as to now we had just some sparse info.
Post edited November 12, 2020 by Judicat0r
apehater: btw, are there any news out yet, about zen4 on 5xx chipset am4 mobos compatibility?
Themken: The current, new, generation is supposed to be the last one for this socket. The plan is for Zen 4 to use DDR5 and thus need a new motherboard and socket. It is possible AMD will make a Zen 3+ before that in the style of the Zen+ (2000 series on desktop) but I have heard nothing about that.
Went out today and still no luck for 5000 series CPU's. Did get a 2TB M.2 hard drive at $100 off so when my new rig is finished it will be a beast.
Some shops are supposed to receive a new batch on next few days. This is valid for Europe, not sure about Canada though.
Post edited November 13, 2020 by Dark_art_