Well, I've tried to give the new look some time to get used to, but it just doesn't work for me. And i also mean that literally. It's still riddled with bugs and logging-in is broken. There's no sign-in button showing on the main page, so I have to go to another page, click the sign in, and then scroll down a little. Otherwise the loading circle goes on forever. I also find myself visiting the site less and less, because it just doesn't appeal to me as much. I used to visit regular to check the newsfeed, but that's been removed.
I'm sorry, GOG, but this has been a disasterous update to the site. You're disregarding PC users in favour of the dumbed-down tablet finger-bashers who's idea of gaming is non-existent
If you really must push ahead with such a revamp, then consider having a parallel site for PC users that's no different to the original one. Then see which one gives the most revenue. You could even have a bar chart in the corner of each site to show which is doing better.
We don't want to leave. PC users are, after all, the ones that made you. So it would be a shame if some were forced out due to a bad decision like this :(