ferdinand82: Who the hell took over Gog? Have you been bought by a large company?
They have become a large company, and were taken over by that mindset... Alternately, CDP's large company mindset spilled over, even more so since they decided to shove GWENT down GOG's throat, not only eliminating the 100% DRM-free status but also making GOG foot the bill, in terms of costs, manpower and server load, for maintaining that game while CDP gets the income.
FrodoBaggins: What we really need, is for them to fix the site, and make sure it works in all the major browsers.
If they expect to attract customers, and want customers to spend money, they can't just shrug their shoulders and close their eyes.
Forget the cosmetic changes. Username account at the top is missing. Screenshots on game page reviews are missing. News is completely gone. Empty black banner at the top. Scroll bars for 'Now On Sale' games don't work. It's been a few weeks now, and these problems have still not been fixed.
Yeah, good luck with that. I've been asking to make sale front pages work properly in IE for the past several sales, since they didn't, now that sort of coding just spilled over into the entire site, and highly doubt they care any more than they did all this time.