yyahoo: Yup, not much to like with the website "update". Still trying to figure out why you would want to hide the news posts about new releases at the very bottom of the home page and hide all but the latest 3 entries. It makes no logical sense. Seems to all be in the name of smartphone viewing, but as others have mentioned, it's all too easy to build dual designs, one for phones, one for PCs/larger screens.
Reminds me a lot of what happened with IMDB a few years ago. They turned their website into a ugly mess. Where it was most efficient and easily usable before, they updated it with excess pictures and videos and odd design decisions, but in the process made the information, the most valuable thing on the site, more difficult to browse and read.
GOG seems much more open, at least initially, to feedback than those in charge at IMDB, who were completely tone deaf, so there is hope.
Kind of agree on the news being too small, hard to notice. Also on the game purchase screen with big picture, weird. Why we change something good?